URGENT – Change schedule for Exam #3 ???

I’ve been looking over Chapter #9 and the schedule for the next two weeks
and I’m kicking around two options in my mind.

Option #1
Exam #3 would still be on Monday, November 16. However, if the exam were
to be held on this day, I would abbreviate the exam’s coverage of
chapter 9 topics slightly (and these topics would appear on the final
exam instead). The “abbreviated” exam would not include sections
9.6-9.8, but would include 9.1-9.5 which is the bulk of the chapter.

Option #2

Exam #3 would be moved to Thursday, November 19, i.e., you would take
the exam during your conference hour and in your conference room. The
exam would cover all of Chapter 9 right through section 9.8. To support
this, the next homework assignment would also cover all of chapter 9 and
the due date would be extended. Monday, November 16 would just be a normal lecture (finishing chapter
9?, starting Chapter 10).

Frankly, option #2 is a much more sensible way to proceed (but it has
never occurred to me before to use conference time in this way). I would
like to follow option #2, but because this is a major schedule change, I
would like to consult with the class first. Please let me know ASAP if
you have any objections to option #2.

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