M-Tu-W sessions for Finals Weeks

Classes are over. Renn Fayre is past. Maybe you’ve caught up some on your sleep, or maybe you’ve been too worried? Did I turn in that late lab report? What room is my final exam being held in? Did I call about the storage company about getting my stuff packed away? My dorm room is still one vast, smoking pile of laundry and debris. What time are my folks and my little brother going to show up?

So maybe you should just take a deep breath. Count to one (just one). And then take another breath. It’s OK to just sit for a few minutes and not do anything. The world won’t come to an end … and maybe a few moments of peace are just what you need.

If you would like to find a quiet place to sit, come over to the Eliot chapel today (11-11:40 AM), Tuesday (noon-12:40 PM) and Wednesday (noon-12:40 PM). Our group is holding extra meditation sessions in the Eliot chapel all three days. As usual, the first 3 bells will be rung 10 minutes after the hour and the last 3 bells will sound 30 minutes later. I can almost promise you sunshine through the south side windows.