Looking Back at Olde Reed

Many current Reedies and Reed alum grumble that “Olde Reed is dead.” That is to say, they believe that the old culture and traditions of Reed have long since passed. Regardless of the presumed death of “Olde Reed” or the entrance of a Nü Reed generation, looking back at pictures of Reed during the previous decades provides perspective and reflection on the current College experience.


Check out the gallery and get a Reed-flavored blast from the past.

Click each image to enlarge. From left to right:

Photo 1: Even back in 1962, students still ditched traditional classrooms in favor of the front lawn on sunny Spring days. Many professors hold the “outdoor conference” as an important Reed tradition and make an effort to spend class time outside at least once a sunny season.

Photo 2: The Chapel’s construction was completed in 1912, and the space has since been used for a variety of speakers and events. Oftentimes, the least chapel-like programs take place in the Chapel, such as showing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show and student presentations of the Vagina Monologues.

Photo 3: Admittedly not the most professional looking bunch, the 1982 women’s soccer team belong to a long-standing tradition of athletics and sports at Reed. Unbeknownst to many non-Reedies, the College boasts an outstanding array of recreational sports teams and classes. From skiing to squash to rubgy to rowing, Reed College athletics brings sports and exercise into the lives of both beginners and professionals alike.

Photo 4: A Hum 110 conference, presumably reading the Bible since their books are noticeably large, is key experience for Reedies of any graduating year. While this photo is only from 2010 and many of the students in the photo have just recently graduated, this goes to show that Olde Reed doesn’t fully die and that the roundtable conference experience lives on in current Reed classrooms. 

Want to explore more Olde Reed? Check out this great article from Reed Magazine, or stop by the Reed Centennial page for hundreds of pictures.

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