The last time I bumped into Kate Stoll ’04, she was stepping off an escalator at the 2012 AAAS meeting in 2012 (see Bumping into Recent Grads, Feb 28, 2012). Apparently she and husband John Caldwell ’96 have been preparing for a new family member (7/27/13 update: scroll to bottom for news about other family projects) because Kate sent in the following email last week: “We are happy to introduce the latest member of our family, Luke Maximilian Stoldwell! Born July 13th, at 11:20 pm, 7 lbs 2 oz, 20 1/4 inches long, and healthy. love, Kate and John”
Congratulations! We can’t wait until we meet the newest member of our Reed family.
7/27/13 update: Kate wrote to us back in March about life in Washington DC: “John is working at NASA Goddard, where he helps to make cool videos about space science! Check out the latest one here. I’m half way through the second year of my science policy fellowship and loving every minute of it. I just got news this week that I was selected as an American Chemical Society Congressional Fellow, so I’ll be starting a year-long adventure on the Hill next January. We’d love to hear from all of you.“