It is always a treat to have our graduates return and tell us about the work they do. Alumni reports (and reports from current students about summer research projects) seem to have grown even more frequent over the last few years. Two cases in point: Dr. Lyndsey Earl ’07 (“Mining Uranium from the Sea: Polymer Sorbent Design and Synthesis,” Sept 15) and Dr. Daniel Gamelin ’09 (“Doped Semiconduct Quantum Dots: Experiments at a Frontier of Inorganic, Physical, and Materials Chemistries,” Sept 22) were the speakers at our last two weekly department seminars. Seminars are generally held in the biology lecture hall, Room 19 (downstairs), and start at 4:15.
This is also a chance for me to plug some of the new ways you can keep in touch with what is going on at Reed.
Our seminar schedule can be found on a Google calendar. Ask and we will share? Or, maybe you would like to know about everything that is going on at Reed. You bet. Check out the newly redesigned campus events page. Follow this link to Dan Gamelin’s lecture and you can explore from there.