Hassan Ghani ’08 heading to medical school

Hassan has informed us that he will be leaving his position in the Portland office of Schrodinger, Inc., this summer to begin studying medicine at USC.

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Jeremy Kua ’96 promoted at U San Diego

I just got off the phone with Jeremy. His chemistry colleagues at USD had recommended tenure for him earlier in the year and the university’s trustees gave their stamp of approval in May.

Jeremy will be on sabbatical in 2010-11. He is planning on staying in San Diego in order to keep the family unit intact (his wife works at the Scripps Research Institute, aka “dry Scripps”, which is not to be confused with the Scripps Institute of Oceanography, aka “wet Scripps”), but will go on the road periodically. He will be attending the national ACS meeting in August and will come up to Portland on September 30 to present a seminar at Reed.

Jeremy’s research involves computer modeling of a wide range of species, including self-assembling molecules, the constituents of organic aerosols, and sandwich complexes.

Congratulations Jeremy!

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Seth Bush ’94 promoted at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo

We just received this happy news from Seth, “It is official, I have a ‘life sentence’ at Cal Poly.  Thanks for the grounding and push in the right direction.”

It’s nice to see hard work rewarded. Congratulations Seth!

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Jordan Katz ’99 to teach at Denison

Jordan informs us that he has joined the chemistry faculty at Denison University in Granville, Ohio. He will be an assistant professor in the chemistry department and will be working on raising his family and earning tenure.

Jordan writes, “the town Denison is in [Granville] is definitely a really great place to raise a family … It is located right outside of Columbus, which is a nice city, but the town itself, Granville, is really more of a little village (~5000 residents!).” And he adds, “we just bought ourselves a nice house.”

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Kitty Richards ’05 visits Reed

Kitty popped into my office last week to say “hi”. Her fiance was attending a conference somewhere in downtown Portland, and she couldn’t pass up the chance to travel with him back to her old “stomping” grounds.

Note: “stomp” refers to the fact that, as a student, Kitty was a determined (and graceful) pedestrian. I remember the summer when she was my research assistant. She walked all over town each weekend, including a round trip from campus to Powell’s on Burnside.

Kitty has been immersed in politics since leaving Reed. She has held down several jobs with the federal government and inside-the-Beltway think tanks, but she recently set them aside temporarily to study law. She is currently a second-year law student at NYU and living in Brooklyn.

The wedding is scheduled for May, and once she graduates from NYU, Kitty expects to return to Washington, DC.

Many happy returns, Kitty.

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Todd Dembo ’09 heading to the city by the bay

Todd wrote to me earlier this week with some exciting news: he has chosen a graduate program to attend next fall. A few schools had placed themselves in the running, but the final winner is the neuroscience program at University of California – San Francisco. Excellent choice. (FYI – look for Todd at Renn Fayre in two weeks.)

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The civil side of Justin Jasper ’05

Last April we posted news of Justin’s NSF graduate fellowship. What we neglected to post at that time was an email that Justin had sent from UC Berkeley Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering: “In general things are going good in my first year. Most of my time has
been taken up with classes, which I guess is the norm for environmental
engineering here. I have started working on a project using a pilot
scale treatment wetland that Berkeley built at a nearby wastewater
treatment plant to remove trace organics, along with metals. I’m excited about it, but it’s been slow starting, since it’s about an hour
drive from Berkeley and we’ve had to coordinate with the plant
operators. Hopefully over the summer things will get going though.

I hope everything is going well in Portland. It seems like I run into
another Reedie down here every week (recently Nicole Adelstein and
Will Draper).”

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Chantal Sudbrack ’99 changes coordinates

Chantal wrote last fall, “Just a note to let you know about my new coordinates. This October I
joined the Structures and Materials division at NASA Glenn Research
in Cleveland, Ohio. My research focus in the immediate future
will be on superalloy disk materials and their development with the
division’s Advanced Metallics Branch. Please update your address books
and stay in touch. I hope this email finds you well.”

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Job Openings in Chemistry, 2010-2012

The Chemistry department is anticipating several sabbatical leaves in the next two years (Fall,2010 – Spring, 2012) and is currently advertising for two two-year visitors. One position is in biochemistry and/or analytical chemistry. The second position is in organic chemistry.We hope to fill both positions sometime in February-March 2010. To learn more, follow these links to the job ads:

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Cheyenne Brindle, *Ph. D.*

Cheyenne (Reed ’02) has made the leap from chemistry graduate student to post-doc. She earned her degree from the Chemistry Department at Stanford University under Prof. Barry Trost, and plans, after a brief vacation in Hawaii, to head off to Harvard University to work with Prof. Eric Jacobsen.


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