Introduction to Myself: I am from Detroit, Michigan. I am a junior English Major. I like horror and boring literature; things that really put you to sleep. You can always email me at if you need anything.
Phillip isn’t sure if he is doing all the assignments, but if he does here is where he would put the links:
- Link to my City Directory
- “Confession of Sodomy and Judaizing: Brazil, 1593” by Noam Sienna
- “A Gender-Bending Jewish Runaway: New France, 1738” by Noam Sienna
- “Kristobal Kolon The Yiddish Columbus: Mexico, 1938” by Rachel Rubinstein
- Critical Precis
- Critical Precis 2
- Recipe
- Links to my 6 Short Assignments
- Link to my Exhibit Brief
- Link to my Final Project