Jews Across the Americas Website
Jews Across the Americas Archive Login email: password: Rubrica1492
Here are some online collections that you may find useful as you select items for your exhibit and your city directory:
- Jewish Atlantic World Database
- AJHS Archive
- Portraits: Loeb Portrait Database
- Arnold and Deanne Kaplan Collection of Early American Judaica, U Penn
- U Washington Archive (also Sephadic Studies Digital Projects)
- Magnes Collection, UC Berkeley ( also Western Jewish Americana)
- JTS Digital Collections (marriage contracts and more)
- John Carter Brown Library Digital Collections (by location) (Archive of early American images)
- Jewish Heritage College, College of Charleston; College of Charleston Special Collections (digital); Portion of the People: Three Hundred Years of Southern Jewish Life
- National Museum of American Jewish History (Philadelphia & US); More exhibits.
- Fotoarchief Stichting Surinaams Museum
- Biblioteca Digital del Patrimonio Iberoamericano (BDPI)
- SALALM Digitized Primary Sources (Latin American and Caribbean)
- Jewish Diaspora Collection (Florida, Latin America, Caribbean)
- Newspapers Resources: By location. Historical Jewish Press Collection (US). Jewish Newspapers, NYPL. Caribbean Newspapers, 1718-1876. America’s Historical Newspapers. Latin American Newspapers.
- Maps: David Rumsey Map Collection
- Food: American Foodways: The Jewish Contribution. Jewish American Cookbooks, NYPL. The Jewish Cookery. The Settlement Cookbook. Converso Cookbook. [General Digital Collections of cookbooks, not all Jewish!l: Historical Mexican cookbooks. Feeding America. Vintage Cookbooks. 10,000 Vintage Cookbooks. ]
- Music: Music & Prayer, Jewish Digital Collections
- Slavery: