2.9.23 Reading Race


“Description of Jews from John Gabriel Stedman’s Narrative”  Jews in the Americas, 1776-1826, pp. 390-393.

Entries & Introduction Part 2: Age of Revolutions, Reader, pp. 87-102, 106-109, 155-159

  • Leibman, Limpieza de Sangre and Casta Paintings (image)
    • Hilit Surowitz-Israel, The Binding of Isaac (image)
    • Hilit Surowitz-Israel, Sefer Brit Yitzak (image)
    • Eli Rosenblatt, Alexander de Lavaux’s Map of Suriname (image)

In-class activity: finding historical maps. Resources: David Rumsey Map Collection

Jamboard Archive Benoit

2.14.23 Letter Writing & Women’s Changing Role

Konstantin Dierks, “The Familiar Letter and Social Refinement in America, 1750-1800,” Letter Writing as a Social Practice, ed. David Barton & Nigel Hall, 31-41.

Gratz Sisters Letters: The Courtship of Solomon Moses

Entries in Reader, pp. 114-116, 121-132, 160-162

  • Tony Pitock, Merchant Letters from the Gratz Family
  • Holly Snyder, Hetty Hays Complains of a Lack of Proper Kosher Supervision
  • Jessica Roitman, Desperate Desire in the Dutch Caribbean
  • Deborah Prinz, Rebecca Gomez Advertises Chocolate
  • Inge Dornan, Abigail Minis’s Last Will and Testament
  • Laura Leibman, The Rebellion of Rebecca Valverde Gomes 

CLOSE READING (Groups 2 & 3): Choose one of the primary sources listed on the syllabus for the day. Write an object label  for the text and choose what portion of the text you will display in your exhibit. Now create an interactivity using H5P that helps people understand the text better.

2.16.23 Portraiture

Analyzing Paintings

Jules Lion, Portrait of Asher Moses Nathan and his son c. 1845

Entries in Reader, pp. 117-120, 141-146, 163-170, 207-210

  • Michael Hoberman, Portrait of Rabbi Karigal and Ezra Stiles [images]
  • Dale Rosengarten, Portraits of Sarah Moses Levy and Chapman Levy [images]
  • Laura Leibman, Multiracial Portraits [images] [blog post comparison with nephew’s portrait]
  • Edward Sanders, A Jewish Statesman and the Peculiar Institution [images]

OBJECT ANALYSIS (Group 2): PORTRAITS.  Pick a portrait of a Jew from your city that is from this era.  Write a brief analysis of the portrait and create an interactivity using H5P that helps people understand the gravestone better. Loeb Portrait Database.

2.21.23 Emancipation and Civil Rights

Penina Moise, “Rejection of the Jew Bill,” (p. 212) “A Funeral Chant for David Arariu–The Hero of Damascus” (p.272)

“Speeches, Newspaper Articles…Vestry Bill” (Barbados 1819-20), Jews in the Americas, 1776-1826, pp. 328-344.

Entries in Reader, pp. 73-75, 167-170, 174-176, 188-193

  • Dana Rabin, Petition Solicited by the Jamaican Assembly 
    • Jessica Vance Roitman and Laura Arnold Leibman, Petition by the Jews of Color [images]
    • Laura Leibman, Mordecai Manuel Noah on “Africans” [CW: racist caricatures image] [caricature of Noah and his wife]
    • Michael Hoberman, Petition for Civil Rights 

IN-CLASS ACTIVITY: Sum up this era or the previous one using H5P.