1.24.213 Introduction – Origins

  • General Introduction and Entries in Reader, pp. 1-8, 17-19, 33-37, 133-136
  • Jonathan Ray , Edict of Expulsion
  • Leibman, The Lost Tribes and Indigenous Judaism (Listen to the Lamentatio)
  • Edith Bruder, Olaudah Equiano or Gustavus Vassa: An Icon of Africa Judaism

SIGN UP FOR YOUR CITY. Introduction to WordPress

1.26.23 Inquisitional Memories

Aron Rodrigue, “The Jew as the Original ‘Other’: Difference, Antisemitism, and Race,” Doing Race: 21 Essays for the 21st Century, ed. Hazel Rose Markus and  Paula M. L. Moya (NY: WW Norton, 2010)

Introduction to Part 1: Early Colonial Era (pp. ) and Entries in Reader, pp. 9-16, 20-32, 38-44, 52-54

  • Noam Sienna, Confession of Sodomy & Judaizing
  • Ronnie Perelis, Jewish Calendar by Luis de Carvajal the Younger
  • Ana E. Schaposchnik, Mencía de Luna: A Woman in Front of the Lima Inquisition
  • Laura Leibman, Merchant House of a Convicted Judaizer
  • Brian Hamm, A Jewish Proselytizer in the New World
  • Matthew Warshawsky, Criminal Case of Faith against María de Zárate, Wife of Francisco Botello, for Judaizing
  • Frances Levine, Doña Teresa Confronts the Spanish Inquisition in New Mexico

CLOSE READING (Group 1): Choose one of the primary sources listed on the syllabus for the day. Write an object label  for the text and choose what portion of the text you will display in your exhibit. In class we will learn how to use H5P.

1.31.23 Travel Narratives 

Judith Hamera and Alfred Bendixen, “Introduction: New World and Old Lands – the Travel Book and the Construction of American Identity,” In The Cambridge Companion to American Travel Writing, ed. Bendixen/Hamera, 1-10. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009).

Voyage to Pauroma

Lopez-Penha Family Chronicle

Entries in Reader, pp. 70-72

  • Noam Sienna, A Gender-Bending Jewish Runaway
  • Michael Waas, The Purchase of Slaves and a Sefer Torah

CLOSE READING (Group 2): Choose one of the primary sources listed on the syllabus for the day. Write an object label  for the text and choose what portion of the text you will display in your exhibit. Now create an interactivity using H5P that helps people understand the text better.

2.2.23 Community and Loss

Miguel de Barrios, “Sonnet for Tomás Tremiño de Sobremonte

Entries in Reader, pp. 45-48, 55-57

  • Laura Leibman, Aboab da Fonseca and the Dutch Rescue of Recife
  • Laura Leibman, Biblical Scenes on Gravestones

OBJECT ANALYSIS (Group 3): GRAVESTONES. Pick a Jewish gravestone from your city that is from this era.  Write a brief analysis of the gravestone  and create an interactivity using H5P that helps people understand the gravestone better. Jewish Atlantic World Database

2.7.23 Love and Belonging


Entries in Reader, pp. 58-69, 76-85

  • Leibman, Poems of Love and Longing
    • Leibman, Marriage Contracts
    • Leibman, Nidhe Israel Synagogue Complex and Mikveh
    • Julia Lieberman, Sermon by Samuel Mendes de Sola
    • Leibman, The Charity Petition of Hannah Louzada
    • Judah Cohen, Hanukkiah

OBJECT ANALYSIS (Group 2): SYNAGOGUE COMPLEX & RITUAL BATHS. Pick a synagogue or ritual bath from your city.  Write a brief analysis of the synagogue or ritual bath and create an interactivity using H5P that helps people understand the gravestone better. Jewish Atlantic World Database.