4.11.23 WWII & Its Aftermath
Philip Roth, “Defender of the Faith” (1959
Introduction to Part V: Jews in the Postwar Americas and Entries in Reader, pp. 364-370, 385-388, 392-410, 420-422, 465-474
- Laurence Roth and Mark Fertig, Punching Hitler in WWII Comic Books
- Noam Sienna, A Rabbi Counsels a Gay Jewish G.I.
- Leibman, Hasidic Architecture
- Raanan Rein, The Eichman Affair in the Shadow of the Cold War
- Darrell Lockhart, Eichmann’s Capture: A Graphic Novel
- Natasha Zaretsky, Soviet Jewish War Memory in New York
4.13.23 Passover no class
Optional Essay: Natalie Zemon Davis, “Regaining Jerusalem: Jewish Slaveowners Celebrate Passover in 17th-Century Suriname,” Tablet Magazine (2016)
4.18.23 Refuge?
Nissan, Like A Bride, pp. 1-100
Entries in Reader, pp. 427-429, 441-445, 452-454
- Valeria Navarro-Rosenblatt, Jewish Disappeared
- Natasha Zaretsky, Jewish Argentine Memory and Justice in the Aftermath of the 1994 AMIA Bombing
- Ruth Behar, They Left
OBJECT ANALYSIS (Group 1): Pick a gravestone or synagogue from your city from this era. Write a brief analysis of the gravestone or synagogue and create an interactivity using H5P that helps people understand the gravestone better. Jews Across Americas Archive email: JewsAcrossAmericasArchive@gmail.com password: Rubrica1492
4.20.23 Renewal
Nissan, Like a Bride, 101-end (or watch the video)
Please also choose one article from “A Special Issue on Women and Gender,” American Jewish History, Vol. 104, Nos. 2/3 (2020)
4:23.23 Intersectionality & Final Wrap up! Sunday in our usual room
- What makes for a successful exhibit do you prefer a certain kind of template (come up with five things you want to do/not do with a buddy)? Examples
- Go to Artsteps and sign up/sign in
- Choose a FREE template (this allows you to SKIP design and save time), however you will want to move your START icon where you want people to start. More help: navigation tips inside of artsteps
- Add and place artifacts (step 3)
- Make sure you add an intro to your exhibit in the welcome area (how to place text). Maybe also an introductory photo?
- Make sure you add introductions to each of your sections (themes? eras?)
- Don’t forget to include citations for all of your images and information. For images this information goes in the description box. This means you will want to include a works cited plaque (probably at the end of your exhibit). MLA formatting guide
- Really want to make sure people walk through your exhibit correctly? Add a guided tour
- Completely done? publish your exhibit and then post the URL on your personal page
Due by Friday 4/28/23 CLOSE READING (Group 4): Choose one of the primary sources listed on the syllabus for the day. Write an object label for the text and choose what portion of the text you will display in your exhibit. Now create an interactivity using H5P that helps people understand the text better.
Entries in Reader, pp. 423-426, 435-440, 446-448, 475-484, 495-499
- Susannah Heschel, the Selma March
- Leibman, Tradition and Modernity among Iranian Jewish Women
- Rachel Kaufman, Crypto-Jewish Poetry
- Leibman, Jewish Gender Transitions
- Cara Rock-Singer, Queer Mikveh
- Misha Klein and Michel Gherman, Protest and the End of Community Consensus
- Leibman, Indigenous and Jewish
Exhibits are due Thursday May 11th at 5pm. Please make sure you post a link to your exhibit on your wordpress portfolio page.