THE WORLD AT WAR (1913-1945)

3.23.23 Historical Trauma

Introduction to Part IV: The World at War and Entries in Reader, pp. 293-303, 310-315, 316-324, 344-346, 359-360, 371-373 [Introduction images]

  • 71. Paloma Cung Sulkin, Gravestones [images] [More Mexican Gravestones]
  • 72. Jessica Cooperman, American Judaism and World War I [images]
  • 73. Perla Sneh, Koshmar – The Nightmare of the Tragic Week
  • 78. Adriana Brodsky, La Luz magazine cover: The Rise of Hitler [images]
  • 82. Marion Kaplan, Miriam’s Letter [images]
  • 85. Tamara Gleason-Freidberg, Fighting for Mexican Visas during World War II

3.28.23   Jewish Languages

Entries in Reader, pp. 307-309, 340-343, 351-358, 378-380

  • Max Modiano Daniel, A Judeo-Spanish Love Letter
  • Gina Malagold, Anita Brenner’s “The Sephardim”
  • Rachel Rubinstein, Kristobal Kolon: The Yiddish Columbus
  • Patricia Nuriel and Alan Astro, A Comedic Yiddish Song on Unemployment
  • Simone Salmon, Ladino Songs

CLOSE READING (Group 1): Choose one of the primary sources listed on the syllabus for the day. Write an object label  for the text and choose what portion of the text you will display in your exhibit. Now create an interactivity using H5P that helps people understand the text better.

3.30.23  Race and Belonging


Lewis Gordon, “Rarely Kosher: Studying Jews of Color in North America

Walter Isaac, “Locating Afro‐American Judaism: A Critique of White Normativity.” In A Companion to African‐American Studies, 512–42. Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2006.

Thomas Larue Recording (1923). More on Black Cantors.

Belcher citations values handout (for use in class)

Entries in Reader, pp. 329-339

  • Laura Leibman, Portraits of Multiracial and Gender Bending Jews (Suriname, 1920s-30s)
  • Jacob Dorman, Black Congregations of Harlem
  • Zohar Segev, Hadassah and the “Arab Issue” in Palestine

PRECIS: Groups 1, 2, 3, & 4.  You have an option to do a video or written version of this precis. Written: 1-2 page (double spaced) analysis  of either Gordon’s or Isaac’s article. This review MUST include both a short paragraph summarizing the argument of the article and a long paragraph discussing the strengths and weaknesses of the argument. Worksheet.  Video: complete the worksheet as you normally would but using imovie or another software, make a video abstract of the article/chapter.

4.4.23 Food as Identity

Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, “Kitchen Judaism,”  in Getting Comfortable in New York: The American Jewish Home, 1880-1950, ed. S. L. Braunstein and J. W.

Jewish Cookbooks: A Brief History

Michael Twitty, Kosher Soul, pp. 3-11, 57-60, 136-140, 264-265, 268-269, 305-312 [also on print reserve]

Entries from Reader, pp. 121-124, 347-350, 430-434, 449-451, 485-488

  • 28. Holly Snyer, Hetty Hays Complains of a Lack of Proper Kosher Supervision
  • 79. Ira and Yosef Dov Robinson, “Are Tref [non-kosher] Butcher Shops Really Tref?”
  • 98. Kelly Amanda Train, Indian Jewish Experiences and the Creation of Congregation BINA [images]
  • 102. Adriana Brodsky, Kosher McDonald’s Sign [images]
  • 105. Aron Sterk and Cecelia Sterk, Moroccan-Amazonian Recipes [images]
  • 110. Paulette Schuster, How to Eat a Taco [images]

OBJECT ANALYSIS ( Groups 1 & 4): RECIPES. Pick a Jewish recipe or cookbook from your city/country.  Write a brief analysis of the recipe/book and create an interactivity using H5P that helps people understand the recipe/cookbook betterResources: American Foodways: The Jewish Contribution. Jewish American Cookbooks, NYPL. The Jewish Cookery. The Settlement Cookbook. Converso Cookbook. [General Digital Collections of cookbooks, not all Jewish!l: Historical Mexican cookbooks. Feeding America. Vintage Cookbooks. 10,000 Vintage Cookbooks.]

4.6.23 Passover no class