Letter between the Gratz Sisters

This is an excerpt from a letter exchanged between Rebecca and Rachel Gratz in 1806. If you look closely, you will notice the casual handwriting as well as where the author of the letter underlined phrases to denote emphasis. The style of letters exchanged between the Gratz sisters reveal familiar and sincere nature of letter writing in the early 19th century. Furthermore, the content of their letters illustrate the inner-workings of Jewish society in Philadelphia.

Please take the quiz below to see how you might fit in among the Gratz Sisters!

Sources: http://rebeccagratz.blogspot.com/

One thought on “Letter between the Gratz Sisters

  1. OMG, I am utterly in love with the personality quiz to figure out which of the Gratz sisters I am. (BTW, I am Rebecca.) This does a magnificent job of helping us see the stylistic and personality differences embedded in their letters! Really fantastic work!!

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