2.11.21 Introduction

In-class activity: finding historical maps. Resources: David Rumsey Map Collection

2.16.21 Caribbean

CLOSE READING (Group 2): Choose one of the primary sources listed on the syllabus for the day. Write an object label  for the text and choose what portion of the text you will display in your exhibit. Now create an interactivity using H5P that helps people understand the text better.

2.18.21 East Coast

CLOSE READING (Group 3): Choose one of the primary sources listed on the syllabus for the day. Write an object label  for the text and choose what portion of the text you will display in your exhibit. Now create an interactivity using H5P that helps people understand the text better.

2.23.21 East Coast/Caribbean

OBJECT ANALYSIS (Group 2): PORTRAITS.  Pick a portrait of a Jew from your city that is in from this era.  Write a brief analysis of the portrait and create an interactivity using H5P that helps people understand the portrait better. Loeb Portrait Database.

2.25.21 East Coast/Caribbean

IN-CLASS ACTIVITY: Sum up this era or the previous one using H5P.