Letter to Rebecca Gomez, Chocolate Manufacturer

To Mrs. Rebecca Gomez,

A few months now I’ve been visiting your Chocolate Canufactory, and I am routinely surprised by the variation in products offered. You have familiarised me with products I never have dreamed of, foremost having been Chocolate, and each time I come I shiver to think what next might meet me! I consider you my Guide to the world’s bounty, although I never set foot out of New York.

It is a longstanding tradition in my family to be wary of those potential dangers so abound in Modern Society, and I confess this learning has oft kept me from running afoul in my life, and you sparked caution in me whence I learned firstly of your personal history and your family’s dubious affiliations, but then there must be exceptions to the rule, and while I cannot speak for your family, I can say that you are indeed one of the good ones, hiding your unnatural and compromising faith from the face of your business.

I count you among those who have given me a taste of the natural world, endowed to all of man by the Creator, and this is undeniably His work. I pray you have a swell week, and I will see you the next, surely the next after that if not.


Christopher Williams

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