Object Analysis – Graveyard

This is the Jackson Pioneer Jewish Cemetery, east of San Francisco, founded in 1857.

More info: http://www.pioneerjewishcemeteries.org/jackson

A Traveler’s Guide to Pioneer Jewish Cemeteries by Susan Morris (Berkeley, CA: Judah L. Magnes Museum) 1996

One thought on “Object Analysis – Graveyard

  1. Wow! these are so early!! I suspect that tombstone lying down is a preservation thing (likewise cement added later). We can talk about it in class. Do we know whose grave this is? I can make out “daughter of Rav Yosef” but not the line above it. If you end up using this for your exhibit, I wouldn’t mind a bit more information/analysis in the object label. E.g. you might explain what the stones mean and talk about the flower on the header?

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