
WordPress Portfolio (80%)

The class resources can be found on the class blog. Please create a personal page on the blog which contains the following:

Participation (20%) LO6

There are a wide range of ways to show you are participating in this class. The most obvious is by attending class and speaking. (My expectation is that you will attend class unless you are ill.) Finding it hard to speak up? Post a comments in the chat during class. Still worried that you aren’t doing enough? Here are some other ways to participate:

  1. Comment on a post by a classmate for the day LO6
  2. Add a glossary item from the glossary terms at the top of the day’s readings LO3
  3. Add a date of something that occurs in the entries to the class timeline LO1, LO3
  4. Add a link to the place on the map to one of the day’s entries LO3

See guinea pigs for how you can win a prize for best written or spoken participation

How do these assignments relate to the course’s Learning Outcomes?

Each assignment is tagged with which learning outcomes it helps promote

  1. Engage with and critically reflect on how Jewish American culture and literature has changed from the colonial era to the present (LO1)
  2. Feel more comfortable close reading a range of texts and objects. (LO2)
  3. Formulate and execute a genuinely interdisciplinary study of Jewish American phenomenon, with American broadly understood to include transnational, hemispheric, oceanic, and global approaches to the study of American society and culture (LO3)
  4. Engage with relevant scholarly literature (LO4)
  5. Use digital tools to help you analyze and present your understanding of Jewish American studies (LO5)
  6. Position yourself as part of a scholarly community and conversation (LO6)