The Reed College Scriptorium
Reed's calligraphy, paleography, and handwriting workshop
Form Drawing and Celtic Knots
Form Drawing and Celtic Knots
Practice drawing these forms with a pencil without lifting the pencil from the page. Replicating them is deceptively difficult. Each time you draw one of these forms, your eyes and writing hand will develop a greater understanding of how each form is constructed. Seek to make them as balanced as you can, just as they are in the model, and move your hand at a slow but steady pace.
Gothic exemplars from Reed College
Humanist exemplars
Italic exemplars
Form Drawing and Celtic Knots
Celtic Knot Patterns
General lettering and sign writing
Italic writing manuals
Carolingian Manuscripts
Gothic Blackletter Manuscripts
Greek Magical Papyri
Greek Uncial Manuscripts
Humanist manuscripts
Italic manuscripts
Uncial & Insular half-uncial manuscripts
Selected bibliography
Video links
Plain Capitals with Lloyd Reynolds
Handwriting and Calligraphy at Reed