Thinking about joining a SEEDS Orientation Odyssey? Check out what past participants have to say:
“I really got a sense of Portland as a city as well as Reed as a college. It made me more aware of my surroundings that I suspect other trips would have. I feel much more comfortable in the city and prepared to live in and engage with it.”

Odyssey participants reflect in the rhododendron garden
“Portland is a far more complicated city then I had previously realized, with both strong communities and deep-seated problems, and this trip gave me some ideas about how to work with the former to solve the latter.”
“The Albina trip and the Potluck in the Park event were two key events that stood out to me as well as others. I felt like the Potluck made a lot of people feel as though they were truly contributing, and Albina opened many of our eyes to the realities of Portland. The leaders of the groups also were great people and they seemed extremely well prepared.”

Thank you from the Children’s Book Bank
“I feel that as this is an engagement trip and not a service trip, increasing our understanding and making some connections is a vital first step to a much longer process of learning and engaging.”
“I learned that I really enjoy interacting with folks in the larger community of Portland and that there are definitely areas in the city where I’d like to become more active.”

Odyssey participants work with Wisdom of the Elders
“I got a better understanding of Portland as a whole; its history (the good and bad), the people that live in it and my role as a community member.”
“Excellent experience. I have a lot to think about.”

Odyssey trip leaders welcome new students to campus