Shades of Paul Whitredge ’12! Another Reed biochemist, Trevor Soucy ’18, has shown that when it comes to being fleet of foot, chemists have the right stuff.
Trevor, along with his teammates on Reed’s distance team (“The Running Jokes”), tied on his running shoes last Sunday for the Portland Marathon and pounded his way from downtown Portland, up and over the St. Johns bridge, and through north Portland down to the Willamette bluffs, before retracing his steps all the way back to the start on the 26 mile course.

Biochem major Trevor Soucy ’18 ran his first marathon in just over 3 hours.
Trevor was running his first marathon ever, but newbie jitters didn’t stop him from turning in the fastest time for a Reedie on Sunday: 3:00:36. Perhaps we will see him running in Boston next? The qualifying time for the Boston Marathon is 3:05 and Trevor beat that standard with minutes to spare.
But for now it is back to the lab for Trevor. His senior thesis, investigating the role of the protein PerC in pathogenic bacteria, is calling.