Know your Mars Rover instruments

Prof. Maggie Geselbracht found a web site that shows the locations of the 10 scientific instruments on the Mars Rover. The instruments have some unusual names like CheMin (Chemistry & Mineralogy), but chemical analysis plays a prominent role in several devices. To learn more about these instruments go here (links to each instrument can be found on the left side of the web page).
Mars Rover Payload

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Jeremy Kua ’96 Helps Launch Yale-NUS Startup

According to the Chronicle of Higher Education ("Yale and National U. of Singapore Hammer Out Details of New Curriculum", 25 June 2012), Yale University and the National University of Singapore have announced a new experiment in intercontinental academic collaboration: the creation of a liberal arts college to be called Yale-NUS College. The new college, which has been in the planning stages for several years, will be located in Singapore and will open its doors to its first undergraduate class in Fall 2013. Among the faculty waiting for them will be Reedie Jeremy Kua '96.

2012 June 25 Chronical HEd Jeremy-Kua-daily.jpgJeremy sees the Yale-NUS venture as a chance to get in on the ground floor of a new educational experiment while moving closer to his home in Malaysia. To do this, he will take a leave of absence from his current institution, the University of San Diego, where he is a tenured associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry and a Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar, and will start teaching at Yale-NUS College in January 2013.

The structure of higher education in Asian countries has tended to be more rigid than that in the US. As Jeremy told the Chronicle in a companion article ("Sharing an Addiction to Learning", 25 June 2012), the academic shift from Malaysia to Reed "was a bit of a culture shock, but in a good way." He added, "it didn't take me long to realize that I liked this education system," and credited his Reed professors for sharing their enthusiasm for learning.

Now he hopes to bring this same zest for open-ended inquiry to students on his home continent and he is already thinking about the larger impact this might have. As he wrote to me, [Yale-NUS College] "could be a model for future liberal arts colleges in Asia." It's hard to imagine a better person to bridge these two worlds than Jeremy. Good luck!

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Dan Gamelin ’90 is Inorganic Nanoscience Awardee

The 25 June 2012 issue of Chemistry and Engineering News (p. 48) contained the following announcement (paywall) about Dan Gamelin '90:


Daniel R. Gamelin, the Harry & Catherine Jaynne Boand Endowed Professor of Chemistry at the University of Washington, Seattle, is the winner of the 2012 Inorganic Nanoscience Award, presented by the ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry to honor excellence in research. The award is sponsored by the University of South Carolina NanoCenter.

Gamelin’s research involves the development of new inorganic materials with unusual electronic structures that yield desirable photophysical, photochemical, magnetic, or magneto-optical properties. His work has potential applications in semiconductor nanostructures such as quantum dot photovoltaics, light-emitting devices, spin-photonics, and bioimaging technologies.

Gamelin will receive the award, which consists of $3,000 and a plaque, in August at the ACS national meeting in Philadelphia.

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Where Do Gryphons Roost In The Rain?

In the library, of course. But if you can't quite fit, hunkering down in the archway is second-best.

2012 June Gryphone library trimmed.jpg

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Alumni News from Reed Magazine, June ’12

The "Comrades of the Quest" issue was graced by an iconic cover photo from Reed's earliest days. Whenever I look at this photo, I imagine that I see President Foster up to his knees in dandelions while he grabs his head and thinks, "Oh dear. Oh dear. Where can I hide those stinky chemistry labs?" (No doubt he would have spelled this differently.)

2012 June magazine cover.jpg

Once you get inside the Reed magazine, however, you might look for some of these news items about Reed chemists …

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Fond Farewells to Visiting Faculty

The 2011-2012 academic year was unprecedented in several ways, but for chemists, it will probably go down in history as the Year of the Visiting Faculty. Our visitors included two newcomers, Monica Villa (left) as department associate and Mellisa Galloway (not shown) as visiting assistant professor, and also two second-year faculty, Luc Boisvert (center) and Danielle Cass (right), both visiting assistant professors.

2012 May 17 Monica Luc Danielle SMALL.jpg

Fortunately for us and our many students, our visitors were enthusiastic about chemistry, flexible when it came to dealing with administrative chaos, and downright brilliant in the lab and classroom. The modest "thank you" cards and gifts that we pushed into their hands during our end-of-year department lunch on May 17 (see photo) can't begin to convey our gratitude. Thank you, one and all. We won't forget you.

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Why Is This Prof Smiling?

Because it's graduation day and visiting assistant professor Luc Boisert will be wearing an important message concerning the organic chemistry of benzene for the Reed Class of 2012.

2012 May 14 LucBoisvert graduation SMALL.jpg

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Reed Reactor Featured on Tested

Will and Norm from paid a recent visit to the Reed nuclear reactor. The result is last week's 25 minute featured video. Check out the control room (6 buttons do most of the work, just SIX buttons), the blue glow from the reactor, gamma ray measurements, plus lots of face time with student reactor operators and Melinda Krahenbuhl, the Reed reactor director.

Melinda_FeaturedVideo_May12.jpgAfter you finish watching, check out 60,000 Dominoes Doing What Dominoes Do Best

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Alumni News from Reed Magazine, March ’12

Anyone who ventured outside the Chemistry building in March/April discovered one of the coldest and wettest Portland springs on record. A much better idea was to stay inside and check out the chemistry stories in the Reed Magazine’s spring issue

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Fresh Squid at the Senior Dinner!

When I arrived at Reed, the chemistry majors told me that they refered to themselves as "squids". Perhaps that label went the same way as Old Reed, but a fresh group of squids, graduating seniors plus faculty, got together last Friday night in Kaul Auditorium after the Thesis Parade for the Senior Dinner. Commemorating the event were (left to right, front row) Prof. Arthur Glasfeld, Prof. Pat McDougal, Prof. Melissa Galloway, Alina Kassenbrock '12, (middle) Prof. Maggie Geselbracht, Li Zha '12, (back) Elizabeth Ogden '12, Emily Robinson '12, Paul Whittredge '12, Dana Loutey '12, Rukayat Taiwo '12, Megan Duffy '12.


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