About two years ago Kristen Grauer-Gray ’07 journeyed to Tanzania to work as a Peace Corps volunteer. A few days ago she wrote to a large number of friends to inform them that she’s counting the days until her return. In “Letters from Tanzania #12” (Aug 21), Kristen writes:
“Habari zenu? As you’ll see from this e-mail, I’ll be leaving Tanzania
soon. I’d love to travel on my way home, and visit as many friends as
possible on the way. So the question is….where in the world will you
be between the beginning of November and the end of December? In case
of delayed travels, where will you be at the beginning of 2011? Do you
have a extra bed, couch, or soft floor for a very dazed Peace Corps
volunteer? You provide the floor, I’ll provide the harmonica songs
and crazy stories, and we’ll catch up on the last three years of life.
Let me know where you’ll be and I’ll start marking the map of the world on my wall. I’m thinking of a long bus trip across the U.S.,
with many many stops on the way.”
–Kristen, 21 August 2010, Karatu district, Tanzania
I suspect that Kristen didn’t expect her emails to wind up on our news page, but I think her “crazy story” is so wonderful, it deserves to be reported in full, so here is the rest of her email on life in Tanzania (and if you would like to communicate with her, write to her at grauergk@gmail.com) … (Aug 31 update: Three more letters from Kristen have arrived in the last couple of days and I’ve added them unedited to this post. They cover the joys and hardships of teaching chemistry, the Peace Corps, and dealing with AIDS in Africa.)
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