Hi interwebs,
My name is Ashley Brandt, and I’m your other Res Life blogger! Like Danielle, I’m an English major set to graduate in 2015. Currently, I live in the Spanish House, where I have also been accepted to live for the 2013-2014 academic year. As a resident in a language house, I get to practice my conversational Spanish outside of the classroom, and my dormies and I put on Spanish speaking cultural events for our house, the department, the language house communities, and the whole campus. The language houses are an invaluable resource for anyone interested in foreign languages at Reed, and I encourage any curious parties to contact me, or drop by one of our events!
I like to keep myself busy at Reed. In addition to keeping up with the Spanish House and my academic commitments, I work at the Residence Life office as an office assistant and at the Paradox Cafe as a barista. Like Danielle (who I aspire to be), I am also a member of the Reed College Creative Review board. Every Saturday afternoon I go off campus to volunteer at Animal Aid, a non-profit, no-kill animal shelter that specializes in cats and dogs that may have some difficulty finding their forever families.

I am responsible for all cat related media at the Res Life office. (My actual babies Bob and Walter who went to their forever family in October.)
My non-academic interests (beside cats) include the internet, television, and hip-hop culture.
On behalf of Danielle and myself, I hope you keep up with the Res Life blog this summer and into the next academic year! After all, double the bloggers means double the fun.