Music Appreciation Society

chittickMusic Appreciation Society is currently housed in Chittick, in the cross-canyons area. It typically has two theme coordinators and one house advisor.

Music Appreciation Society (MAS) is for music lovers of all kinds and genres looking to share their passion for life and sound. We play, listen, talk, and live music, creating a free exchange of music and ideas. As a member of MAS, you will have the opportunity to perform or participate in regular music shows, jam sessions, and listening parties. We listen to eclectic music on nice communal speakers, which anyone can use as they please. Everyone is encouraged to participate in our theme culture and events, and to rock in paradise. Everyone is welcome to participate in our dorm shows, live performances held in the common room. They are extremely popular among Reedies, not just those in the dorm. The dorm is lively with music, but for those of us with real work or sleep to do too, we keep strict quiet hours, which are decided by the community.