When last we left our adventurers, they had returned from a successful journey to Sauvie Island with thirty (yes, thirty) pounds of blackberries.

Yeah so spoiler alert, we baked a lot of really beautiful things with the blackberries, like this cobbler! But keep reading anyways!
As fate would have it, the first week of classes rolled in with a fury that knocked most everything else out of the minds of our heroes. The blackberries sat in a freezer on the second floor of ODB, virtually forgotten but for when an annoyed ODB resident realized they had to find a different freezer in which to store their ice cream.
However, our valiant ODB-ers knew they had a responsibility to those berries. One cannot simply pluck that many blackberries from their idyllic leafy homes and expect to be off the hook after that. Once they fought off the torrents of syllabi, class schedules, and reading assignments, our protagonists stepped into a restful and restorative weekend and readied some rad recipes in order to reap the rewards of their adventure.

Two pies wait to be placed in the oven as the reduction for the cobbler is lovingly attended by Natasha’s disembodied hand.

There is actually no possible way for a combination of berries, sugar, and ice cream to turn out poorly.
What success! Two delicious pies, one beautiful cobbler, and vat of blackberry milkshake later, our heroes were full of blackberry goodness–but hopefully not yet tired of blackberries, because all of that barely made a dent in the massive quantities of blackberries we acquired. We could probably do this every weekend for the rest of the semester, and we very well may do just that!