“Reedies Care for Other Reedies” is one of many iterations of a broader philosophy grounding our students and the work they aspire to accomplish on campus. As the Portland area transitions into the much cooler fall and winter seasons, several groups on campus have captured this philosophy of care through the organization of a donation drive for winter clothing. The groups want to ensure that students in need of winter clothing can stay warm throughout the next few months by being prepared for the colder weather. Donations have been received since October 14th, and campus community members (students, faculty, and staff) have been dropping off items to the Student Center (home of the Multicultural Resource Center and Student Activities).

Reed community members are donating gently used winter clothing items at the Student Center as part of a clothing drive sponsored by several student groups. Image courtesy of Wikimedia.
The Peer Mentorship Program (PMP), the Low Socioeconomic Status (SES)/First-Generation student group, and members of the Justice League Theme Community will be hosting a Free Winter Clothes Pickup for students that are in need of winter attire between 4:00pm and 6:00pm this next Tuesday (November 3). The event will be held in the Grey Lounge (located in Kaul). We’re excited to see this effort take shape, and want to share information with everyone regarding next steps for this event.
For those that are interested in supporting this effort, volunteers are needed for set up in Kaul on Sunday at 2:00PM (meet in the Student Center/MRC). Additionally, donations are still being requested and encouraged! If you gently used winter items, including gloves, scarves, or coats that you’re willing to part with, please visit the Student Center and drop off items in one of the donation drop boxes. You can also bring items to the pickup event next Tuesday.
We’ll be sharing more updates and additional information on this and other events sponsored by student groups in the near future! In the mean time, please consider attending this event and making a donation!