What’s Cooking in Summer Housing: Part 1

As a student in summer housing, it’s a huge change to go from eating all my meals at Commons to suddenly cooking for myself.

While the kitchens in the residence halls are great for occasional snack preparation, it’s difficult to see how each one could be the full-time primary prep site for about 15 hungry people. So how do we do it?

Pretty creatively, actually. Very few people in summer housing subsist primarily on ramen; in fact, many of them are happy to have the opportunity to prepare food to their own liking, even if it means that the kitchens get a little crowded. Some of us even try to tackle a recipe we’ve never dared before!


Cristobal, one of the summer HAs, seized the moment and created his own take on pupusas, a cross between a tortilla and a tamale. After being inspired by a Portland restaurant, Cristobal and his friends learned by trial and error to make delicious cheesy goodness.

For my part, I tried out a new burger recipe. I mixed together bulgur, ground beef, dried cherries, and onions to make the patties, and topped them off with lettuce, onions, brie, lettuce, and sourdough.


Food is best when shared, and both Cristobal and I offered our finished products to friends so our creations would be even more appreciated!

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