Thanks for a great 2021-22 production season!

The RIPP Board for 2021-22 would like to extend a big thank you to all of the students who have made this production season possible through their project proposals and participation in the various projects and events we’ve set up throughout the year.

Together, we produced a fantastic season of exciting projects which took on many different forms, from Dyke Bar to devising workshops (e.g. Nighttime Viewpoints and Vampire Weekend), from full-length plays such as The Romance of the Gryphon and Glo Opera: The Glorax to abstract film collages, from innovative design projects based on personal narratives to live music performances at the Paradox and elsewhere. We’ve had some amazing collaborations with different organizations across campus, from Renn Fayre to the Paradox to the PARC, and hopefully expanded our collective definition for what constitutes “performance.” Through it all, we’ve built community and togetherness through creation and adventure!

We hope you continue to engage with RIPP in the coming years, as we enthusiastically welcome the 2022-23 RIPP Board into their roles as the producers of another great season of student-led performance projects all across the Reed campus and community: Tori Boldt, Max Costigan, Anna Hendrickson, Gavin Leonard, and Jody Read.

Thanks again for a great season!

The 2021-22 RIPP Board

P. S. Here are some pictures from a recent RIPP performance and a highlight reel of viewpoints work from a Fall 2021 workshop for your enjoyment!

Nighttime Viewpoints Highlight Reel:

Photos from The Romance of the Gryphon, directed by Amelia Pilifant: