
ODOT Tripcheck PBOT Winter Map TRIMET The Wave SmartStart
Weather (UGd Ptld, UGd Manz, KGW Ptld) Radar (zoom in)
DC-EagleCam SF Bay area: BeACO2N
Coast webcams (ManzanitaOCVA Manzanita (beach cam|radio)
Manzanita tides | (xfer stn | library | outages) | Portland (outages)
Air Qual Index (OR DEQ) | AirNow (EPA) | PurpleAir
WindyOR Smoke Blog | OL Wildfire | Earthquakes (HVO) | Raptor
Plastics: MetroQ&A | JamesRecycling | Agilyx#6 list

PBOT Winter Weather Center (Plows, Closures, Traffic Cams)

KOPB (10, 91.5/106.5, TV, FM) KQAC (89.9/88.9) KBOO (90.7) KMUN (91.9/104.3)
KCPB (90.9) | (107.1/91.7) | Kanopy | KATU | KOIN (6) | KGW (8)
WWeek | HipFish

Yang Family Tai Chi Instructions: 103 (trad) | 49 (demo) | 22 (essential) | 16 | 13 | 10 (kung) | 67 Sword | 13 Saber
Master Yang Jun videos: 103 (trad) | 49 (demo) | 22 (essential) | 16 | 10 (kung) | Sword
Master Yang Zhen Duo videos: 13 Hand
Chen Family (Yan Li) Moving Stillness w Yan Li YLi-Video YLi-4CardinalPts

M&S Batchelor Skillful Meditation Unfettered Mind Wildmind (BodhiPaksa)
Uncertainty ClubZenosaurusJ Tarrant – Monkey Mind – The Naked Monk
ZCO RoMZ ACMHE Tricycle EcoBuddhism Green Koans fm Insight Orphn Wisdm
Budds 4 Change (PDX) Budd Peace Fellowshp (PDX) Budd 4 Beginners PaliAudio
Dharma Seed Audio Dharma Access2Wisdom OnBeing Mind&Life TricycleTalks
Sutta Rds Sutta Central Everyday Zen Headless Way UpayaZC BeHereNow
Upaya Lrning Ctr Maitripa Library

YTchan SpiritRock Tricycle Upaya ZCO David Ingerson
Dashboards Reed Mult_regional OHA_wasteH2O

Ptld Petanque Bridgetown Morris Shift2Bikes SW Trails FPC Trail Tips Wilson River Trail 1 Wilson River 2 Silver Falls PDXTrees

FamilyMedicalNE Wolfe OnPoint TIAA-CREF AIG-Valic Reed Banner Solar Cooking Chp Garden MyChart Aetna Northcoastbbq Akrobat CalCas Rebound

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