Podcast Team

Avis Corea ’27 | Producer, Host

Avis is a neuroscience major at Reed College. Beyond her studies, she’s a creative soul with many interests, from zine-making to filmmaking and making sourdough bread and other baked goods. She loves parrots and Alejandra Pizarnik.

Nate Martin ’16 | Project Manager, Producer, Co-founder

Nate graduated from Reed with a B.A. in English, and works as the Associate Director of Data and Systems for the Center for Life Beyond Reed. He is project manager/producer/co-founder for Burn Your Draft. He was born in California, adolesced in Utah, and has been in Portland for what feels like a long time now. Nate lives near Reed with his partner and two cats.

Joe Janiga | Technical Adviser

Joe is an Instructional Technologist and the technical adviser for the podcast. He explores new and different technologies that could potentially help with the instruction of music, art, and dance within the Reed community. He also designed the recording studio in the Performing Arts Resource Center in the Performing Arts Building, where some of this podcast has been recorded or engineered.

Seth Paskin ’90 | Executive Producer, Co-host, Co-founder

Seth is the executive producer/advisor/co-host/co-founder of Burn Your Draft. He received a B.A. in philosophy from Reed College, and an M.A. in philosophy from the University of Texas at Austin. He currently lives in Austin, Texas, where, when he isn’t working in the tech industry, he’s a newly busy father and long-time podcaster. The podcast, The Partially Examined Life, explores philosophical theories and concepts and discusses philosophical texts. Burn Your Draft was made possible by a generous contribution from Seth.

Tommy Schacht ’25 | Producer Emeritus

Tommy is a linguistics major at Reed College. Her hobbies include crafting, listening to classic audiobooks, and being five minutes late because she stopped to pet a dog.

Juno (Albert) Kerelis ’24 | Producer Emeritus

Juno studies English at Reed College, and when they’re not editing away at the podcast or interviewing guests, you can find them biking around Portland, taking pictures of birds, and making coffee outside. They are a producer for Burn Your Draft, hosting and editing the podcast.

Amelie Andreas ’24 | Producer Emeritus

Amelie studies biology at Reed, but her interests reach beyond STEM from embroidery to rock climbing. She became interested in podcasts when a former teacher invited her to work at World Teacher Podcast, where she does logistics, graphic design, and web design. Amelie was the second student producer for Burn Your Draft in charge of conducting interviews, editing episodes, and helping out with all kinds of behind-the-scenes podcast magic.

Francesca (Frank) Tangherlini ’22 | Producer Emeritus, Co-founder

Francesca grew up in Washington DC. She majored in sociology, is an Aquarius-Sun, and was a producer/host/engineer and co-founder for Burn Your Draft. Francesca served as the first Burn Your Draft Podcast Producer and was essential in the creation and naming of the podcast.