5 Tips for Personalizing and Decorating Your Room

1) Arrange the Furniture

You should plan your furniture layout BEFORE you move anything in. Make sure to keep in mind where the outlets are, how much sun you’re going to get in, whether you like having a table next to your bed, etc. Check out this LINK for more detailed information and tips.

2) Make it Cozy

It is so easy to find cheap fabric. Whether it’s pillows, sheets, wall-hangings, or blanket-fort materials, soft things are an easy way to make your room warm and cozy while adding a little bit of uniqueness.

3) Be Creative with Art

Just because you can’t put nails in the walls doesn’t mean you can’t have art in your room. Prop canvas up on the top shelf or on your desk. Residence Hall with large stacked windows like Naito and Sullivan have a small ledge that’s perfect for framed pieces to sit on. Consider finding sculptures that are able to stand by themselves.

4) Decorate your Windows

Whether it’s making your own curtains or hanging a stained-glass ornament, don’t forget your window space when you start decorating. You can even write or draw on them with dry erase markers!

5) Don’t be Afraid of Books

You are a Reedie and so you will have books everywhere. Why not use this to your advantage? Stack books around your room in attractive towers or branch out from alphabetizing and arrange them by color on your shelves.

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