5 Reed Dorm Essentials (That You Might Not Think Of)

Yes, you should bring a raincoat, a pack of ramen, and a pair of clean socks, but you already know that. Here are a few key items that help make the transition to Reed a little easier:

  1. Electric water heater: Tea and coffee are the lifeblood of Reed College, and a personal water heater allows you to fuel and heat yourself up on a rainy day. Not a caffeine fan? You still should bring a water heater because nothing beats a cup of hot cocoa!
  2. Blue tape: Wall putty and duct tape rip the paint off of the walls, which is a major no-no. Blue tape is generally strong enough to hold up posters without taking a toll on surfaces.
  3. Power strip: Usually each residence hall room is equipped with a couple of outlets, but sometimes that isn’t enough for your desk lamp, phone charger, computer charger, standing lamp, blowdryer, water heater, mini fridge, etc.
  4. Reusable grocery bags: You don’t need to bring your own from home, but you should invest in some reusable bags. The local grocery store doesn’t have handles on their paper bags, and it’s easier to walk home with groceries situated in solid bags.
  5. Antibacterial wipes: Residence Halls tend towards a messy chaos, regardless of the students living there. Keep it clean with some antibacterial wipes! These also help fight germs during flu seasons or when your roommate is sick.

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