Spring Semester Trials Continue

After our busy February, one trial continues and a new rest-of-the-semester trial begins.

The Renaissance World (Taylor & Francis)

Closes 3/28/2025
This is a sizable e-reference site from Routledge Resources Online. It features specially-commissioned, peer-reviewed content that supports the teaching and learning of this historical time period. Covering the 14th to the 18th century, its key subject areas include Art and Architecture, Economy and Commerce, Environment, Literature and Drama, Politics and Governance, Religion, and Society.

World Politics Review

Closes 5/31/25
WPR is a for-profit but independent publication offering news and expert analysis on global affairs. In its own words, it “seeks to strike a balance between the two dominant schools of international relations, realism and liberal internationalism… with a preference for diplomacy and multilateralism in support of a rules- and norms-based global order.” Available directly on their website (as linked here) and searchable on the EBSCOhost platform.

(You can also find links for these resources next to the Databases A-Z list, just look for the New/Trial Databases box on the right.)

Our fundamental question when trying out a resource is: how will this support the learning, teaching, and research happening in the Reed community?

Whether you’re a student, faculty member, or staff member, we welcome your answer to this question! To share your thoughts, please complete our trial feedback form.

If you have questions about this trial, email library-er@reed.edu.

Rock’s Backpages Trial through 11/15/24

Logo of Rock's Backpages in the shape of a guitar pick

As of October 9, we have started a trial of Rock’s Backpages. The trial will end on November 15.

Under the tagline “the archive of music journalism,” this resource gathers music publication interviews and reviews from 1960 to the present.

Anyone can register to read a selection of over 500 free articles, but during this trial we get full access to all articles, all audio interviews, and the RBP podcast. According to the website, they add at least 50 articles per week.

Our fundamental question when trying out a resource is: how will this support the learning, teaching, and research happening in the Reed community?

Whether you’re a student, faculty member, or staff member, we welcome your answer to this question! To share your thoughts, please complete our trial feedback form.

If you have questions about this trial, email library-er@reed.edu.

Newspapers.com Trial through 4/1/24

The library has begun a trial of Newspapers.com World Collection.

With content dating from the early 1700s into the 2000s, Newspapers.com contains full runs and portions of runs of well-known regional and state titles as well as small local newspapers. The emphasis is on historical content, not current news and events.

(Note that this library edition of Newspapers.com has some differences from the consumer version, which you may be familiar with if you have a personal Ancestry.com account.)

To access this trial you must use a dedicated link and click through the ProQuest trials portal. If you try to use the general URL, you will not be recognized as an authorized user.

If you have questions about this trial, please email library-er@reed.edu.

Whether you’re a student, faculty member, or staff member, we welcome your evaluation of this resource! To share your thoughts, please complete our trial feedback form.

Asian Life in America Trial through 2/29/24

The newest entry in the series that started with Black Life in America and Hispanic Life in America, Asian Life in America is a collection of primary source documents about the histories and daily lives of Americans of Asian and Pacific Islander heritage—including those of Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, South Asian, and Vietnamese backgrounds, among others. It is sourced from 35 million primary source documents in 41 languages.

Our new, quick-start trial is for the first two series:

Series 1: 1704-1941 – Early 18th Century to US Entry into World War II
Series 2: 1942-2017 – World War II to the 21st Century

You will need to use a dedicated link in order to access this resource during the trial, which ends on January 31 has been extended to February 29.

If you have questions about this trial, please email library-er@reed.edu.

Whether you’re a student, faculty member, or staff member, we welcome your evaluation of this resource!

To share your thoughts, please complete our trial feedback form.

Sovetskii Ekran Trial through 12/31/23

The library has just begun a trial of Sovetskii Ekran Digital Archive.

Sovetskii Ekran (Советский экран, Soviet Screen) is the preeminent Soviet film magazine. This online archive contains all obtainable published issues from 1925 on, representing more than 50 years and approximately 32,000 pages of content. It offers full page-level digitization, complete original graphics, and searchable text, and is cross-searchable with other East View digital resources.

If you have questions about this trial, please email library-er@reed.edu.

Whether you’re a student, faculty member, or staff member, we welcome your evaluation of this resource!

To share your thoughts, please complete our trial feedback form.

PEP-Web Archive Trial through 10/25/23

The library has just begun a trial of Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing’s online archive.

PEP-Web provides a centralized search of psychoanalytic literature in English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Romanian, Spanish, and Turkish. It includes journals, books, and videos (including full transcription).

Note that most of the journals have a 3- to 5-year embargo, so content later than 2019 will not be available. 

If you have questions about this trial, please email library-er@reed.edu.

We welcome your evaluation of this resource! To share your thoughts, please complete our Library Database Feedback form.

MLA Handbook Plus Trial through 10/15/23

The library is currently running a trial of MLA Handbook Plus.

This electronic resource includes the full text of the ninth edition of the handbook, the second edition of the MLA Guide to Digital Literacy, and the MLA Guide to Undergraduate Research in Literature, as well as a video course that teaches the principles of MLA documentation style.

The MLA has created an introductory video that demonstrates all the site’s features and functions.

If you have questions about this trial, please email library-er@reed.edu.

We welcome your evaluation of this resource! To share your thoughts, please complete our Library Database Feedback form.

Sage Campus Trial through 8/31

This trial has been extended through 8/31.

The library is running a trial of SAGE Campus, a module-based online learning platform. This product has full courses on Python, Data Management, statistics and research methods. If you would like to try out this product click the Register button on the site while on the Reed Campus to create an account. These courses are intended for independent study or for faculty to be able to assign as additive to their classroom teaching.

Sage has two guides for using the system:

Please let us know if you have questions or feedback about this trial by emailing us.

Database Trial: South Asia Archive

In February and March, the library is trialing a new databases subscription to the South Asia Archive. Derived from original archive materials held by the South Asia Research Foundation, the collection includes journals, books, legislative acts, colonial and post-colonial reports, and film booklets. Note: you will not be able to save documents as PDFs during the trial.

If you have feedback on the database, please let us know.

New Primary Sources Database Trial: AM Explorer

Adam Matthew publishes unique primary sources for the social sciences and humanities. AM Explorer provides access to the entire portfolio from Adam Matthew from the 15th – 21st centuries. Collections include African American Communities, Defining Gender, Eighteenth Century Drama, and many more.

Access millions of pages of primary sources through AM Explorer. Database trial will run through May 31st. Please send any feedback to library-er@reed.edu.