On January 7, 2025, EBSCO will move all users to a new interface for the EBSCOhost platform.
The new interface is a significant improvement. It reduces visual clutter, improves accessibility, and adds more controls over search, filters, saving, and sharing. According to EBSCO, it has been expressly designed around student preferences, rather than those of faculty or library staff.
You do not need to have a personal account to read or download material or to use any of the search, citing, or sharing functions, but you can create a personal account if you want to save search results for later or organize your research into “projects” on that particular platform.
Useful Links
Introduction to the New EBSCOhost – Tutorial (~3 minutes, on Vimeo)
The New EBSCOhost Interface – Quick Start Guide
What is Affected?
Alternative Press Index
America: History and Life
American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals
Anthropology Plus
Art & Architecture Source
Art Index Retrospective
ATLA Religion
Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals
Bibliography of Asian Studies
Bibliography of Indigenous Peoples in North America
Communication Source
Film and Television Literature Index with Full Text
Historical Abstracts
Humanities and Social Sciences Index Retrospective
Humanities International Complete
International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance
MathSciNet via EBSCO
MLA International Bibliography
New Testament / Old Testament Abstracts
Philosopher’s Index
Readers’ Guide Retrospective
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text
RIPM: Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals
Social Sciences Abstracts