Check out the new Library Renovation FAQ page to learn about the upcoming seismic update and remodel of the south wing of the library.
Library Lobby Survey results: “What is your preferred way of getting news about Library events and schedules?”
This week’s library lobby survey asked, “What is your preferred way of getting news about Library events and schedules?” with options of “twitter”, “Library homepage”, “Instagram”, “Facebook”, “Library blog”, and a write-in jar for other answers. Results are in!
- twitter: 7 votes
- Library homepage: 43
- Instagram: 31 votes
- Facebook: 42 votes
- Library blog: 13 votes
- Total: 136 votes
- Write in answers ( a total of 21 votes) included 15 votes for “email/SBinfo” 3 votes for “posters/fliers”, 1 vote for “carrier pigeon”, 1 vote for “Russian bot” and 1 vote for “Walk”.
Library Lobby Surveys happen (almost) every Tuesday. Stop by to cast your vote and get some candy! We love to hear feedback from you all.
Hidden Histories of Race & Reed
New exhibit! “Hidden Histories of Race & Reed”, developed and curated by Ashley San Miguel and Maya Arigala, opened in the second floor Eliot Hall display cases Friday December 13th.
This exhibit uses items from the Reed College Archives to chart the 1968 Black Student Union (BSU) protests to install a Black Studies Center at Reed, and the subsequent rise and dissolution of the center just a few years later.
Fall 2019 Thesis Submission Info
After orals, but before printing and binding, a final copy of your thesis must be approved by the library to ensure legibility. Librarians will be available in L17 during the following times to check and accept bound theses:
- Wednesday, December 18 | 12:00pm – 5:00pm
- Thursday, December 19 | 12:00pm – 5:00pm
- Friday, December 20 | 8:30am – 12:00pm
If you cannot make the above hours, email Sarah Bavier to set up an appointment.
Information on the library submission process is available on the Thesis Library Guide.
Library Lobby Survey results: “Internet Privacy…”
This week’s library lobby survey had the statement, “Internet Privacy…” with options of “concerns me”, “don’t know, don’t care”, “I don’t know enough to be scared” and a “Write in Response” option. Results are in!
- concerns me: 88 votes
- don’t know, don’t care: 12 votes
- I don’t know enough to be scared: 29 votes
- Write in Response: 11 votes
Admittedly the response choices were leading and we appreciate people making note of that! An interesting meme reference and concerns about current politics were some of the write in responses:
-Bring back Reed’s own email. Free ourselves from Google
-I do know but don’t care mostly b/c there’s always a way around
-these answer choices offered skew the responses you get
-Emwee [Ennui?] and the karma got its kiss for me girl are the same person
-I’m not concerned about my personal privacy, but I am concerned about how the influx of irrelevant information impacts our politics
-also these answer choices are biased
-I know enough and don’t care
-I would like some, Please
-I feel that it is naïve and paranoid to put a lot of weight onto the importance of internet privacy. The political and economy system we are part of all but encourages companies to take full advantage of what we do on our computers. The true issue is the system itself. Be concerned for the state of our government not for your petty privacy.
-Data is the new oil- Andrew Yang Yanggang 2020
-not concerned, but curious
- Total: 140 votes
Library Lobby Surveys happen (almost) every Tuesday. Stop by to cast your vote and get some candy! We love to hear feedback from you all.
IMC Feature – Happy Holidays!?
This holiday season IMC feature comes with help from guest annotator Robin Tovey ’97. In addition to classics of the Christmas variety, the Reed College library has quite the collection of odds and ends, documenting the multifaceted holiday season. Some of these are musical selections, which are housed in the PARC (the branch library in the Performing Arts Building). If you notice any glaring omissions from this list, please email me your suggestions. Enjoy!
Jim Holmes
Annotated List – Holiday Movies, Music & More
Library Lobby Survey results: “When I use Course Reserves, I use…”
This week’s library lobby survey asked, “When I use Course Reserves, I use…” with options of “eBooks”, “Print books”, “Both (print and ebook)”, and “What’s a course reserve”. Results are in!
- eBooks: 13 votes
- Print books: 44 votes
- Both (print and eBook): 45 votes
- What’s a Course Reserve: 20 votes
- Total: 122 votes
Library Lobby Surveys happen (almost) every Tuesday. Stop by to cast your vote and get some candy! We love to hear feedback from you all.
Thanksgiving weekend hours
Main library: closes at midnight Wed., 11/27; closed Thur., 11/28; open 10a-5p Fri., 11/29. Regular hours resume Sat.,11/30
IMC: closed Thur., 11/28 – Sun., 12/1. Regular hours resume Mon., 12/2
PARC: closes at 5p Wed., 11/27; closed Thur 11/28 – Sun., 12/1. Regular hours resume Monday
Library Lobby Survey results: What software or technology do you wish the library had?
We had a write in question for this week’s library lobby survey: “What software or technology do you wish the library had?” You gave us 33 total responses:
- A computer with the capability to download new fonts from the web
- 3d printer
- Igor Pro
- Ableton
- Dijon Mustard
- Some kind of dedicated theater database
- Electronic subscription to NYT, etc.
- Zotero, Photoshop
- Illustrator/Photoshop
- More GIS
- Adobe PDF Reader 🙂
- Final Cut Pro
- Microsoft Teams
- -More hole punches spread around -easier to find sci journal access??
- Wifi that works in the government archives
- photocopier/scanner
- Microsoft Visual Studio
- Tablet drivers! We have photoshop but its a pain w/ out pressure sensitivity
- Final Cut Pro or Photoshop
- The Adobe Suite
- Computers running Linux
- Logic/video editing programs
- Bloomberg Terminal
- pro tools
- in Design
- smart boards
- Dreamweaver
- Photoshop
- updated Adobe Indesign
- VR headsets
- VR headset
- subscription to more science journals
- really good scanner
Library Lobby Surveys happen (almost) every Tuesday. Stop by to cast your vote and get some candy! We love to hear feedback from you all.
Library Lobby Survey results: I want the library to provide more…
This week’s library lobby survey asked, “I want the library to provide more…” with options of “Cultural events or lectures”, “Workshops”, “Book Discussions”, and a write-in jar for “Suggestions”. Results are in!
- Cultural events or lectures: 83 votes
- Workshops: 41 votes
- Book Discussions: 40 votes
- Total: 164
- Write in suggestions included earlier opening hours, author talks, fun books for reading, acoustically separated areas, to remove the empty metal under-desk computer holders in North Ref, and WARMTH.
Library Lobby Surveys happen (almost) every Tuesday. Stop by to cast your vote and get some candy! We love to hear feedback from you all.