Trial – PolicyMap

PolicyMap is a fully web-based Geographic Information System. It’s fast, efficient and captures data in visually powerful ways through custom demographic maps, tables, reports and our analysis tool, Analytics. You can even use our GIS mapping services to easily incorporate your own data and leverage it against the thousands of indicators already available in PolicyMap. Available data includes demographics, home sale statistics, health data, mortgage trends, school performance scores and labor data like unemployment, crime statistics and city crime rates.A complete list of data available can be found in our data directory.

Book return reminder for students

Return all library books before midnight Thursday, May 16.
Turn in two bound copies of your thesis to the library before
12:00 noon on Friday, May 17.

All students:  Return books and locker keys AND clear belongings from
desks and tables by 4:00pm on Friday, May 17.

Book Collecting Contest Winners Announced

The First Annual 2013 Reed College Book Collecting Contest winners were announced on April 16, 2013. Senior Mack Sullivan won the top prize of $1,000 for his essay entitled “How to be Alone”. His essay, with annotated bibliography attached, could be characterized as a philosophical musing on how books can change your life. Richard Aldersley won the second prize of $500 for his collection and essay on “Ernest Hemingway: A Writer’s Education”, while Francois Paultre won the third prize of $250 for “Tipped In–A Collection of Illustrated Literature”. The other six entrants were each awarded an honorable mention gift certificate to Powell’s Books. The Contest was co-sponsored by the Himes & Duniway Society, a Portland book group, and Reed College. All nine essays are on the Himes & Duniway website at. The winner may go on to enter the national Book Collecting Contest with awards announced in October at the Library of Congress.

Drama Online trial

The library is currently a running a trial of Drama Online. Drama Online offers access to dramatic texts from a wide variety of playwrights, selected critical texts, and production stills. Please try out Drama Online and let us know what you think. Contact Erin Conor with questions or comments.

Trials: Oxford Handbooks Online, Philosophy and Religion

Oxford Handbooks Online brings together the world’s leading scholars to write review essays that evaluate the current thinking on a field or topic, and make an original argument about the future direction of the debate. Oxford Handbooks are one of the most successful and cited series within scholarly publishing, containing in-depth, high-level articles by scholars at the top of their field. Through March 28, the library is offering trials of the handbooks, giving us the opportunity to preview the content before we commit the funds to subscribing to it. Your feedback is important in evaluating new electronic content & resources.

You can check the Religion & Philosophy subject areas under the “browse by subject” menu. Available on campus only.

Oxford Handbooks Online, Philosophy
43 handbooks reviewing the various questions epistemologists have asked regarding testimonial belief and knowledge, including recent scholarly content from Medieval Philosophy, Cognitive Science, Ethics, and Phenomenology.

Oxford Handbooks Online, Religion

27 books providing new essays on critical topics and emerging issues in the study of religion, complementing hundreds of essays on Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism and cross-cultural thematic studies.

Contact Angie Beiriger with questions or comments.

William Dickey ’51 – Everyday Poet

March 15 – July 31, 2013
Library flat cases

William Dickey is another excellent poet to come out of Reed College. Graduating the same year as Gary Snyder and Phil Whalen who became the Beat Poets, Dickey had a very different voice, focusing on love and change and experience, both serious and humorous. Widely published and winner of poetry prizes, Dickey taught creative writing and poetry all his life, for the final thirty years at San Francisco State University. His papers are now at Reed. Shown are his published books, the progress of one title through publication, and various aspects of his life and experience.

Shen Bao Digital Archive


Shen Bao Digital Archive

The very first newspaper in China with a Chinese editorial staff, the full-image and full-text Shen Bao Digital Archive gives unique insight into the transition of China from the nineteenth century until Mao.

Established in 1872, Shen Bao (historically transliterated as Shun Pao or Shen-pao) was the most influential and longest lasting commercial newspaper of before the establishment of the People’s Republic. Published in Shanghai until 1949, Shen Bao was founded by Englishman Ernest Major, but, uniquely, as a newspaper for Chinese readers, written by Chinese reporters. During its existence, Shen Bao gradually shifted from a conservative to a more liberal perspective, and played a pivotal role in the formation of public opinion in the imperial period and into the tumultuous beginnings of modern China. Shen Bao’s innovations in printing technologies, specialized use of the telegraph, and dispatch of special military correspondents gave it an edge, and today that valuable insight is preserved and made available in the Shen Bao Digital Archive.

The Shen Bao Digital Archive presents the complete collection of all issues, from the newspaper’s founding in 1872 to 1949 and is an invaluable research tool. Containing more than 2 million articles, the database is 100% full-text searchable and contains the full-image of each page. Both the full-text and the full-image are retrieved in a single search, and full text may be easily copied from the full-image as well.

You must access the database from the Reed campus.  Please send any feedback to
Jim Holmes

Spring Break Hours

The Library will be on Spring Hours from Saturday, March 16 – Saturday, March 23. We will resume normal hours of operation as of Sunday, March 24.

Friday, 3/15 8am – 8pm
Saturday, 3/16 10am – 8pm

IMC/Language Lab
Saturday, 3/16 & Sunday, 3/17 – CLOSED
Monday, 3/18 – Friday, 3/22 – Noon – 5pm
Saturday, 3/23 – CLOSED

Reference Desk
Monday, 3/18 – Friday, 3/22 – 10am – 5pm, on call