Library Feature – Nina Simone

In 1999, VH1 debuted a five-hour television special, “The 100 Greatest Women of Rock & Roll“. An interesting facet of this survey was the latitude contemporary artists took in crediting women outside the genre for their impact and influence – Billie Holiday #6, Ella Fitzgerald #13, Bessie Smith #26. However, there was one most egregious and incongruous oversight – no mention of Eunice Kathleen Waymon, aka Nina Simone, The High Priestess of Soul, musical voice of the civil rights movement, piano virtuoso, and singer-songwriter of over 40 albums. In some ways, this trivial lapse mirrors a pattern that the iconic female tenor faced her entire life, beloved by critics and fans but never fully embraced by pop culture. For those unfamiliar with the music, life and times of Nina Simone, let the following resources be your guide. For long-time fans, revisit the classics and feel free to suggest additions to the collection!
Jim Holmes – IMC

Nina Simone – music, videos, books, and more


New Database: Scopus

We are excited to announce that Reed Library has replaced Web of Science with Scopus

As of January 1, 2021, the Library’s subscription to Web of Science has ended and Scopus is our new replacement for comprehensive literature searching across disciplines and citation tracing. 

What is Scopus?

  • Scopus is a database for abstracts and citations of journal articles, books, and more.
  • You can search Scopus by title, author, institution, funder, and more.
  • Like Web of Science, Scopus has a cited reference search.
  • Coverage includes the Sciences, Social Sciences, and Humanities. 
  • There is a Scopus LibGuide that details searching, alerts, and other features.

Students, if you have been using Web of Science for an assignment or your thesis, contact your subject librarian if you need help transitioning to Scopus.

Faculty, if you, your class, or lab would like more training on Scopus please let your subject librarian know. We are also happy to help adjust assignments that used Web of Science previously and can help with new assignments as well.

Returning and requesting materials over winter break

The library will be closed from 12/19-1/24. Current students, staff, and faculty will have swipe access to the lobby during that time. Those patrons can return library materials to the lobby bookdrop. Materials can also be mailed to the library at –

Reed Library Circulation
3203 SE Woodstock Blvd.
Portland, OR 97202

Reed library, Summit, and ILL requests will continue to be filled over break, available for pick up from the lobby holdshelf. Please note, requests will not be processed from 12/23-1/3.
Questions? Email

Requesting books remotely

Students leaving Reed to finish the semester remotely can request books be delivered by mail.  When making a request for a Reed or Summit book, choose the “Ship to – provide address in comment” option. 


Please make sure to provide a complete address and any other special instructions in the comment box.  Books will be sent to you via media mail and checked out until January 25.  For ILL books, you will get an email about preferred delivery options – library lobby or mail.  ILL books will need to be returned by the lending library’s assigned due date.  Please mail back ILL materials at least a week ahead of time to

Reed Library ILL Returns
3203 SE Woodstock Blvd.
Portland, OR   97202

If you need a mailer to return ILL items, email with the weight of the book(s) rounded up to the nearest ounce and shipping address.

Questions? Email

Library hours for Winter Break

Updated Dec. 18th, 2020

Winter Break

The Library will be closed December 19th to January 24th for Winter Break.

The library lobby remains open Monday-Friday, 8am-6pm for hold shelf pickups throughout December and January. Please note that hold requests placed December 19th-January 3rd will be processed starting January 4th.

Seniors – get shelf space for your books

In lieu of thesis desks, Reed Library is offering shelf space to store your library books. You are welcome to use any desk in the library to study, keeping in mind proper social distancing. Please return all books to your assigned shelf space when leaving the library or take them with you. Books left on desks will be checked into the book quarantine and reshelved after 72 hours. To request shelf space, use this form. You will immediately be designated a number corresponding to (3) – 35″ shelves. Thesis shelves are located in the south stacks in lower level one of the library. Questions? Email

Digitization requests

Need a PDF of an article or book chapter from the library? Reed students, faculty, and staff can request scans of Reed materials through InterLibrary Loan (ILL).

How to make a request

  • Go to your ILL account (Illiad), and login with your Reed username and password.
  • If you’ve never used ILL before, you’ll be prompted to fill out some contact information first.
  • Under New Request, select “Article” or “Book Chapter”.
  • Fill out information about your request. The more info the better!
  • Submit your request.

You will get an email notice when your request is ready as a PDF. Please allow 4-5 business days. The library cannot scan an entire book or multiple chapters due to copyright law.

Requests for non-Reed materials

Need access to a book chapter or journal article that Reed doesn’t have? Follow the same steps as for Reed requests. ILL staff will connect with libraries across the world to find the resource and deliver it to you as a PDF.

Questions? Contact

Library holdshelf is in the lobby

The library holdshelf is now in the lobby to facilitate no-contact pickup. When materials are requested for pickup location “Reed Library” they will be checked out to you, put in envelopes, and placed in the cubbies by the east lobby doors. You will receive and email with this information 1 hour before the items are available.

For students and faculty outside the Portland metro area use the “Ship to – provide address in comment”. Please enter a full address in the comment box and we will ship you those materials via USPS media mail within 24 hours. For international deliveries email

IMC and PARC pickup locations are open Monday-Thursday, 10a-4p.

2020 Census talk with Se-ah-dom Edom of We Count Oregon

SEEDS, We Count Oregon, and the Reed Library collaborated to create a series of videos to discuss the 2020 Census with We Count Oregon, whose primary focus is to enumerate folks from hard to count communities. Check out the videos:

About Se-ah-dom Edmo

Se-ah-dom Edmo is Shoshone-Bannock, Nez Perce & Yakama, she has joined the #WeCountOregon team as the Tribal Community Coordinator. She brings deep experience in community organizing for racial and social justice work across the nation. She is co-editor of the Tribal Equity Toolkit 3.0: Tribal Resolutions and Codes for Two-Spirit and LGBT Justice in Indian Country and American Indian Identity: Citizenship, Membership & Blood. Prior to joining the #WeCountOregon campaign, she served as the Sovereignty Program Director at Western States Center where she was the coalition convener of Tribal History: Shared History (Senate Bill 13, 2017) in Oregon – this law established and funded teaching of Indian History and Sovereignty in K – 12 Schools across the state. A hallmark of her career has been fostering relationships and collaborations between tribes and organizations that do social, racial, environmental, and economic justice work across the region. She is currently a member of the Steering Committee of Oregon Recovers and is an ALF Senior Fellow. She lives in Portland with her husband James and their children Siale, Imasees and Miyosiwin, as well as her parents, Ed and Carol Edmo. Se-ah-dom’s ancestors are from Celilo, a fishing village along the Columbia River and one of the oldest known settlements in the West.

Library News for Fall 2020

(updated 8/6)

Due to constraints imposed by COVID-19, the library is making several changes to fall hours, access, and services. Our goal is to make the library as safe as possible for the Reed community as well as library staff while supporting our students both on campus and off.

Please contact Dena Hutto, College Librarian, with questions or concerns about these plans.

Fall hours for Hauser Library and the library circulation desk

  • Monday – Thursday: 9:00 AM – 10 PM
  • Friday: 9:00 AM – 6 PM
  • Saturday: 10 AM – 6 PM
  • Sunday: 10 AM – 10 PM

Access and study space

Hauser Library will be open for Reed students, faculty and staff. Keycard access to the lobby is available now for faculty and staff and will be activated for students by mid-August.

The library will be open for individual study no later than the first day of classes. Total occupancy will be limited to about 300, pending determination of the number of seats available for study. Face masks are required at all times. Seating has been reduced to enable social distancing of 6 feet. Group study rooms will be closed. Library stacks will be open for browsing. Windows should be left open in areas where people are present in order to maximize air flow.

Disinfectant and hand sanitizer are available throughout the library’s public areas and students are encouraged to clean personal study space before and after use.

Since the virus may persist on books and other library surfaces, please practice good hand hygiene (wash hands with soap for 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer, keep hands away from face) while handling library materials.

Public computers have been removed except for a limited number of kiosks for access to the library catalog and reference assistance. Copiers, scanners, and printers are available.

Due to reduced seating in the library, thesis desks will not be assigned for fall semester.

Library reference and instruction

Library reference, instruction, and outreach will be offered virtually. Librarians will work with faculty to embed support into points along the path throughout the semester, including traditional Zoom instruction sessions, integration into Moodle courses, and group Q & A drop-in sessions for students. Please contact a librarian for more information.

Library course reserves

Electronic course reserves are available through course Moodle sites.

Due to concerns about virus transmission, print reserve books will be available for a longer loan period and will be quarantined for 72 hours between checkouts. Students should acquire their own texts for fall classes if possible. The Reed Bookstore offers interest-free student charge accounts to help with textbook ordering, with flexible payment plans available. Financial assistance may also be available; please contact the Financial Aid Office for details.

Additionally, the library purchases ebook versions of print reserves texts whenever available.


Summit borrowing resumed on August 3. At this time, 16 of the 37 member libraries are participating in Summit. Requested materials may be picked up in the library lobby.

Interlibrary loan

Interlibrary loan for articles with electronic delivery continues to be available. Interlibrary loan for books resumed on August 3. Requested materials may be picked up in the library lobby.

Reed Special Collections and Archives

Starting September 4, hours will be:
Monday – Friday 1 PM – 4 PM by appointment only.
A maximum of 4 patrons can be accommodated at a time. Special collections materials will be quarantined for 72 hours after usage.

Instructional Media Center

Monday – Thursday 10 AM – 4 PM
The computer labs are closed. You can request AV equipment here.

Performing Arts Resource Center

Monday – Thursday 10 AM – 4 PM for request pick up.
Request equipment and library materials in advance. The AV Editing Workroom (Room 327) is available by advance reservation only. PARC stacks, study rooms, and spaces are closed. Study space is available in the Performing Arts Building atrium. More information at

Visual Resource Center

Staff are working remotely. For assistance, please email

More Reed Resources

Reed’s Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Prevention & Response

COVID-19 Support Resources for Students

Remote Teaching & Learning from Computing and Information Services