Reunions ’16: Celebrating You…with More Great Programming

Reunions, June 8–12, is packed full of many events and promises to be a great time for all. From the Marketplace to the Authors’ Reception to the annual poker game—there is something for everyone:

Check out the music!

Alumni College “Elementary Education: the kids, the school, and the community,” Wednesday, June 8 through Friday, June 10

This year, we have selected the topic of elementary education. More Reed graduates have had careers in education—be it elementary, secondary, or tertiary education—than any other field. Elementary education is controversial, with public disagreements about traditional vs. alternative schooling, how to assess achievement and evaluate teachers, centralized vs. decentralized school systems, and the eternal issue of how much funding elementary education requires and how to obtain that funding. Crosscutting those debates are emerging scientific findings about how children learn, how they become motivated to learn, and how schools and their surrounding communities can achieve synergistic effect. We’ll delve into these and other issues using Reed faculty and alumni as content experts and participants as engaged interlocutors.

The Alumni Authors’ Reception on Friday, June 10 from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. is your opportunity to mingle with Reed authors. Published authors are invited to showcase their books. Contact Patrick Sandlin, book department manager, at or 503/788-6659) for more information. (Participation will be limited to 12 authors.)

The 12th Annual Reunions Poker Game on Friday, June 10 from 8:30 p.m. to midnight. Come see if you know when to hold ’em and know when to fold ’em. Hosted by Mark Humphrey ’85 and Tor Jernudd ’84. Open play (dealer choice of game) or possibly a tournament, based on attendee choice. Your opportunity to pay off a tiny portion of your student-loan debt.

Foster-Scholz Club Annual Recognition Luncheon on Saturday, June 11 from 12 to 1:30 p.m. is the annual luncheon for the Foster Scholz Club (alumni who graduated 40 or more years ago). Recipients of the Distinguished Service Award will be honored and the Class of 76 alumni will be welcomed to the club. The keynote speaker will be Virginia Oglesby Hancock ’62, professor of music, speaking on her time at Reed.

The Marketplace on Saturday, June 11 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. showcases Reed-related chefs, bakers, growers, harvesters, vintners, brewers, distillers, and artists and gives visitors the chance to enjoy and purchase food, drink, and craft. Tables are filling up fast; contact Francesca Michel ‘15 at if you want to be one of the purveyors.

Talent Show: This is a wacky and fun Reunions highlight on Saturday, June 11 from 8 to 9:45 p.m.. We’ve showcased poets, singers, jugglers, pianists, joke-tellers, even banjo players, all in a fun, supportive atmosphere. If you want to perform, please send a message to Francesca Michel ‘15 at , and we’ll pass the message along to the show’s coordinator, Mateo Burch ’82. Or, sign up in Reunions Central when you arrive on campus.

We want to celebrate you in words AND PICTURES
Do you have favorite images of you and your friends while you were students at Reed? Perhaps pictures that are “pure Reed”? What about other memorabilia? We are attempting to gather as many images as possible and curate them to fill Kaul Auditorium with evocative displays, videos, and miscellaneous Reediana. We will be sending out information and permission forms in short order! On May 1, we will gather what we have and supplement from the archives to create an impressive series of displays!  The reveal will be on Friday, June 10 at 4 p.m. in conjunction with the celebratory Fanfayre (where we will be honoring you as well as retiring faculty members Virginia Oglesby Hancock ’62 and Tom Wieting. Help Reed celebrate you by sharing!

Register today, check out the full list of who’s coming, the schedule, and join more than 650 Reedies and friends who have already signed up.

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