Book Collecting Contest Winners Announced

The First Annual 2013 Reed College Book Collecting Contest winners were announced on April 16, 2013. Senior Mack Sullivan won the top prize of $1,000 for his essay entitled “How to be Alone”. His essay, with annotated bibliography attached, could be characterized as a philosophical musing on how books can change your life. Richard Aldersley won the second prize of $500 for his collection and essay on “Ernest Hemingway: A Writer’s Education”, while Francois Paultre won the third prize of $250 for “Tipped In–A Collection of Illustrated Literature”. The other six entrants were each awarded an honorable mention gift certificate to Powell’s Books. The Contest was co-sponsored by the Himes & Duniway Society, a Portland book group, and Reed College. All nine essays are on the Himes & Duniway website at. The winner may go on to enter the national Book Collecting Contest with awards announced in October at the Library of Congress.