Some Ebooks may be unavailable as ProQuest Ebook Central will be down for maintenance. The scheduled downtime is Saturday April 20 from 9:00am-11:00am, but may go longer. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Category: Announcements
Library Lobby Survey results: How do you refer to these rooms?
We wanted to know what you called a couple of the rooms in the library, and the results are fascinating!
For the Periodical Reading Room (pictured on the bowl on the left), we got 62 total responses, including:
8 “Old pit”
7 “reading room” (includes 1 “reading room (?)”)
3 “New pit”
2 “The pit”
2 “Periodical room”
1 “Old reading room”
1 “reading pit”
1 “reading room or sometimes I just describe its location & description”
1 “periodicals”
1 “periodicals reading room”
1 “reading room/science periodicals room”
1 “the lib lounge w/o computers”
1 “the lib”
1 “that middle section of the library with the art”
1 “the middle room”
1 “center space”
1 “middle place”
1 “central library area”
1 “center reading room”
1 “nucleus”
1 “atrium”
1 “room w/ the big windows”
1 “sun room (lots of sunlight!)”
1 “the big room with the tables and skylights. new pit? old pit?”
1 “big room with the skylights”
1 “main room w/ all the sculptures”
1 “room w/ the cases”
1 “the room b4 the reading room”
1 “main room ‘big one on the left as you walk in'”
1 “the first room when you walk in”
1 “room by the entrance”
1 “glass room”
1 “chair room with high ceilings”
1 “the chairs”
1 “room with the chairs”
1 “reading lounge”
1 “open room with couches”
1 “first floor sofas”
1 “open room”
1 “where old meets new”
1 “reading corners!”
1 “scary reading room”
1 “no name for it”
1 “no set phrase”
1 “honestly have never referred to that area–never go there”
For the Reading Room (pictured on the bowl on the right), we got 67 total responses, including:
13 “New pit” (includes 3 “nüpit”)
9 “Reading Room”
8 “Computer room”
6 “Pit” or “The pit”
1 “Computer pit”
1 “Computer station”
1 “The computer area/no name”
1 “The reading room/The computers”
1 “The lib lounge w/ computers”
1 “That big open room with all the computers”
1 “Place w/ all the computers”
1 “Room w/ computers”
1 “The big computer lab”
1 “The room with the computers”
1 “Not-old computer spot”
1 “computer boi; illuminated faces woodstock”
1 “New pit or ‘the room w/ the computers on the first floor'”
1 “fancy mac room”
1 “computer area in New Library by the stairs”
1 “room with the computers that’s not North Ref. old pit? new pit?”
1 “new pit or computers”
1 “new pit or computer lab”
1 “‘the computer area in the library‘ or ‘where all the computers are'”
1 “the pit/the atrium”
1 “new pit/reading room”
1 “‘open air computer lab’ ‘the one named for Bill Gates but has Macs'”
1 “Gates reading room”
1 “fancy new spot”
1 “the way back”
1 “big room”
1 “loblob”
1 “lobbyish”
1 “heavy study place”
1 “always full”
1 “I never go in here”
And one additional response for both: “I don’t have a name for them!”
New Primary Sources Database Trial: AM Explorer
Adam Matthew publishes unique primary sources for the social sciences and humanities. AM Explorer provides access to the entire portfolio from Adam Matthew from the 15th – 21st centuries. Collections include African American Communities, Defining Gender, Eighteenth Century Drama, and many more.
Access millions of pages of primary sources through AM Explorer. Database trial will run through May 31st. Please send any feedback to
Library hours spring break
The library will be closing at 8p on 3/22 and 3/23. Open regular hours for the rest of break.
The IMC will be closed 3/23 & 3/24; open Mon-Fri, noon-5p; closed 3/30; regular hours resume Sunday, 3/31.
The PARC will be closed 3/23 & 3/24; open Mon-Fri, 1-5p; regular hours resume Saturday, 3/30.
Maintenance scheduled for EBSCO products
EBSCO will be performing scheduled maintenance on Wednesday, March 13, 2019 from 6am to approximately 10am Pacific time. This may effect access to eBooks on the EBSCO platform. You can track progress of the maintenance here.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Accessibility in the library: take our survey!
With an interest in better serving the needs of the entire Reed Community, the Library is seeking student perspectives and experiences with library spaces and resources regarding accessibility. Your feedback from this survey will help us identify areas requiring fine tuning, possible change, or potential new directions that increase the accessibility and usefulness of all library spaces.
Even if you don’t use the library, we would love to know your thoughts!
The survey will close March 22, 2019.
Paper copies of the survey may be obtained from the circulation desk in the library. For assistance in completing this survey, please write to
The survey is voluntary and anonymous, with all identifying information removed.
Survey approved by Reed College IRB as ‘exempt’, 2/27/2019.
Spring Thesis Desk Lottery
Random numbers for the Senior thesis desk lottery will be drawn from the official 470 list. If you are a senior, but are not yet registered for 470, and want to be included in the drawing, please come to the circulation desk and have your name added to the lottery list by Monday, February 11. Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Studio Art, and Psychology majors are not eligible for thesis desks in the Library.
The list of numbers will be posted Tuesday, February 12 along with a map of thesis desk locations, so that you can have preferences in mind before the actual selection.
The choosing of desks will begin at noon on Wednesday, February 13 in Library 17. You or your proxy must be present when your name is called. Lottery numbers are not transferable.
NOTE: Some desks, as indicated on the map, will be shared. In order to help create the most pleasant sharing arrangement possible, the person with the better number may bring in as a partner another senior on the list who has a lower number. Please make those arrangements before the noon time selection and let us know that is your plan when your name is called.
Any questions contact Brian Kelley
Receive text messages for library notices
You can receive text messages from the library for things like due date and hold shelf pick up notices. Opt in here. Standard messaging and data rates apply.
Library hours 1/22-1/27
The library is open 8:30a-5p, 1/22-1/25. Open 10a-5p, 1/26-1/27. Regular hours resume Monday, 1/28.
IMC & PARC are open noon-5p, 1/22-1/25. Closed 1/26-1/27. Regular hours resume Monday, 1/28.
IMC feature – film recommendations
The Instructional Media Center (Library 32) is home to 12,000+ videos – more than Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime combined. So what to watch? Try some recommendations from the Reed community. And checkout a projector and speakers for your enhanced home cinematic experience.