Tuesday, April 8, 2014 / 4:00pm / L17

Retrieved from Reed Digital Collections, http://cdm.reed.edu/u?/reedhisttxt,13732 (accessed 4.2.14)
What is fair use? Who holds the copyright on your thesis? Why does citing images and data matter in academia?
Join Reed College librarians and students as we talk about these questions and more in a panel discussion on Copyright and Your Thesis. This interactive session will cover what you need to know about images, data, & fair use. Although we’ll focus on copyright and theses, everyone is welcome. Bring questions! Snacks and conversation starters provided.
L17 is on the lower level of the library. (Get directions at the front Circ desk)
Panel includes:
- Angie Beiriger, Digital Assets Librarian
- Ryan Clement, Data Services Librarian
- Roman Garcia, Junior Religion major
- Brooke Sansosti, Visual Resources Librarian