Reedbrarians: Advocacy, Activism, and the Future of Access

Please join us for a lecture and reception featuring Char Booth ’01
Wed. 24 October 2012
4:30 p.m., Psychology 105

Students are invited to have dinner with Char immediately after the lecture at the Parker House. RSVP by October 22. Space is limited.

Char Booth ’01 is the Instruction Services Manager & E-Learning Librarian at the Claremont Colleges Library and also serves on the faculty for the Information Literacy Immersion program, sponsored by the Association of College and Research Libraries.   Her pedagogical explorations into library culture focus on the integration of instructional design, technology, and assessment.  The influence of her Reed education shines through in her work as she delves deeply and reflects critically on library issues that have traditionally been given surface treatment. She also uses her personal thesis experience to inform her work with students and faculty on the undergraduate research process.

Char has authored two books and several articles, detailing her research and prescription for libraries’ progressive dissemination of information, including how librarians can connect patrons’ needs, effectively harness technology, and reflect on the collective educational exchange.  She virtually propagates such philosophies at info-mational, her blog “on technology, media literacy, and librarians who t-c-b.”  Perhaps her amazing productivity is due in part to organizational skills honed in her days as the Paradox manager.  Rumor has it, there might be a Hamilton stashed in her thesis – the traditional gauge of post-Reed thesis interest.