Reedies around the world trivia night!

Thursday, March 28, 7:00-9:00 pm

Interested in studying abroad, languages at Reed, or learning about the world? Come to a trivia night co-sponsored by the Reed Language Lab and the International Programs Office. Come by yourself or bring a team! There will be food and prizes!

Language Lab tabling in commons

Stop by our table on Wednesday, March 27 at the GCC 11:30-2:00 to learn more about what the Language Lab is, what LangLabbies do, and what fun language-themed events are on the agenda this semester!

Language Houses Open House

The Language Houses will be hosting an Open House in the Language Plaza on March 6th from 2:00 – 4:00. With housing applications open, we are excited to have the campus community join us in the Language Plaza for live music (a local Mariachi), snacks and festivities. Interested students will be able to walk through the language houses and ask questions about the program. 

Reed Res Life has information about applying to live in a Language House next year!

Translation Symposium

When: Thursday, February 29 4:30-6:00 pm
Where: Psych 105

Reed students will present their original translations and say a few words about the texts they have chosen to translate. Refreshments will be served!

Stop by to support fellow Reedies, learn about their interests, and hear some beautiful translations!

Love in Translation: Valentines, Poetry & Crafts

Where: Language Lab (Library 033)
When: Thursday, February 15, from 7-9 pm

Do you adore languages and love? Be your own cupid and craft a valentine for a special someone! Come to the Language Lab (Library 033) on Thursday, February 15 from 7 to 9 pm for a night of cookies and hot chocolate to enjoy while you read and decorate love poems in different languages!