Reading Sara’s post on Soviet Winnie the Pooh truly inspired me. As a beginning Chinese student, I love watching C-dramas, but sometimes it’s a bit challenging to understand what’s going on, especially with the complex love triangles! Children’s cartoons are a great way to introduce yourself to more Chinese media, especially because they’re designed to use elementary-friendly language. Even if they don’t have captions in English, the animation style can make it easy to pick up on the story and characters. Here are some recommendations I’ve found, plus a bonus C-drama recommendation!
Is Culture Shock Inevitable When Abroad?
Find out in the interview with Henry, the Chinese tutor!
Patricio: Can you tell me about what made you want to learn Chinese?
Henry: It was actually kind of random. I was taking a gap year between highschool and college and I didn’t have a lot going on, so I picked up a bunch of hobbies such as archery and Chinese. I found a really good Chinese teacher and I really enjoyed learning a language in my free time. I was learning French in high school, but I really struggled with that because I was being forced to learn it, but it was a completely different story when I started learning Chinese because I actually wanted to learn it.
Did the French stick at all or did you lose it completely after high school?
I’m sure it would come back if I practiced it a bit, but I wouldn’t call myself a strong speaker. I’d say now my two strong languages are just English and Chinese.
Would you say you’re fully fluent in Chinese?
No, I wouldn’t say so. It’s a really long process and it really depends on what I’m talking about. There’s so many words to learn that if I’m speaking about an area I’m not used to talking about it can sometimes be easy to phrase things weird. I’m pretty comfortable going through life just with Chinese, I’ve done that both at the Middlebury Summer Program and when I studied abroad in Taiwan.
Can you tell me more about the Middlebury Summer Program?
It’s a program I did when I first started learning Chinese. It’s 8 weeks over the summer where basically, starting from zero, you sign a language pledge to only speak Chinese. It was a pretty interesting experience because even though it’s pretty academically intense, I found it really relaxing because there were no expectations other than just socializing in Chinese. I had a lot of fun doing it and I think it’s a great program, and everyone from my group went from being level 1 Chinese to fully being able to live in China and Taiwan afterwards.
You mentioned that you studied abroad. Can you tell me more about that?
I did my first year at Reed, and I decided I wanted to major in Chinese literature, and really before I could get into that I felt like I needed to live somewhere where they spoke the language. Especially because at this point I had only been learning Chinese for a year and a half. So I went to Taiwan for the academic year through the ICLP, the International Chinese Learning Program. All of my classes were Chinese learning classes. The main goal was obviously improving my Chinese, but it was also just such a great experience to live somewhere else and talk to people and stuff.
Did you experience any culture shock while living in Taiwan?
I feel like people ask this a lot, but really no. I feel like it reasoned with my expectations of what the experience was going to be like. And it was in a lot of ways very similar to the US. Especially Taipei. It’s very safe, comfortable, and the food is great. I never had a moment where I felt uncomfortable, it was very cosmopolitan. There wasn’t a lot of shock. There were definitely barriers. In the first couple of months I had to figure out when it was appropriate to have a conversation with people because obviously I wanted to practice. There’s a lot of difficulties in communicating, but never to an extent where I felt very out of place.
So I remember you mentioned that Chinese doesn’t have an alphabet, and I was curious about how the language works. Could you explain how Chinese is written and read without an alphabet?
Yeah, I’m not a linguist and there’s definitely a specific term for it, but essentially each character is monosyllabic. The meaning and the sound are separate, so you can look at a character and there’s no definitive way of how it will be pronounced, and you also have to know like a thousand different characters, as opposed to the 26 we have to know for English.
Note: it’s called a system of ideogrammatic characters
Well that sounds very difficult to learn. Do you have any tips for people who want to learn Chinese?
You definitely need to set a routine. Otherwise it’s so slow. It’s a balance of finding new tips and tricks to learn the language and then actually just spending a lot of time learning it. If you just go head first with no plan you’re probably going to waste a lot of time. There’s a lot of hours you have to put in. One of my teachers always says that to achieve proficiency you need 2200 classroom hours, as opposed to 600 hours needed for a native English speaker to learn Spanish. I think you just really have to have a passion for learning it. In my experience, the people who do the best at learning a language are those who aren’t seeing it as a tool to learn, but those who see it as something fun and interesting to do. Then you should go to tutoring, office hours, language scholars, language houses, which are already five ways to go speak it outside of class.
Ok two more questions. Do you have a favorite word in Chinese?
I have a favorite phrase. Can I go with that?
Yeah of course go with the phrase!
It’s 江山易改本性難移 (jiāngshānyígǎi, běnxìngńanyí). It literally translates to it’s easy to move mountains and rivers but it’s hard to change your nature.
In what context would you use it?
You wouldn’t find people going around saying that, but I just think it’s a true statement! You go through life facing all these hard challenges and then you have the simplest thing about yourself that you simply can’t change.
Do you watch any movies in Chinese and if yes do you have any recommendations?
Yeah I watch a lot of Taiwanese new wave cinema. A City of Sadness is one of those movies Americans might know if they’re into film, and it’s great. But there’s a couple of really interesting movies that are less common. One of my favorites is Cape No. 7, which is the highest grossing Taiwanese film domestically. It captures the island vibes and the influences in Taiwan. And recently there was a really good movie about a family and queerness called Marry My Dead Body. It’s a comedy but it had some touching moments.
And then books, I started reading Dream of the Red Chamber, which is this 2500 page book about the downfall of a rich family. I’ve had a lot of fun with that one.
Ok great thank you!
Meet a tutor: Lei Zhao (Chinese)
Hello, my name is Lei Zhao, and I come from the northeastern region of China, majoring in Mathematical Physics. I work as a Chinese language drop-in and individual tutor at the language lab. I am happy to help everyone learn Chinese and understand Chinese culture and history. You’re welcome to join my tutoring sessions to discuss related topics. Of course, if you are interested in or have any questions about Physics/Mathematics/Chemistry, I would be equally happy to discuss them with you.
你好,我叫赵光磊(Lei Zhao),我来自中国东北部地区,主修数学物理。我在language lab做汉语的drop-in和individual tutor。我乐意于帮助大家学习汉语,了解中国文化和历史。欢迎来我的tutor session跟我讨论相关的问题。当然,如果你对物理/数学/化学感兴趣或者有什么问题,我一样乐意一起去讨论。
Reed Language Learning Q&A with Sierra Abbott, Reed alumni and Chinese major
Deciding to take a Reed language class may seem daunting for some students, but it’s very doable and rewarding, and you may even find yourself majoring in a language you picked up at Reed! We interviewed recent ’23 grad Sierra Abbott about her journey as a Chinese major beginning from scratch her first year:
What made you decide to start learning a language at Reed?
I had always loved learning foreign languages in school! I took Spanish and Latin in high school, and wanted to continue learning more languages in college. I started learning Chinese in the first semester of my freshman year!
Continue reading “Reed Language Learning Q&A with Sierra Abbott, Reed alumni and Chinese major”In Time for Spring: Chinese Gardens

Spring is here! If you haven’t gotten your flower fix at Reed and want a change of scenery, you may want to check out the Lan Su Garden in Portland’s Chinatown.
Continue reading “In Time for Spring: Chinese Gardens”Throwback: Mandopop Song Recs
Growing up, my parents would always play music on long roadtrips. It’s been almost a decade, but we still have the many of the same CDs, and the CD player in the car works just the same. The CD I have the most vivid memories of was the one with a strange medley of miscellaneous songs and artists: Michael Jackson, Jay Chou, Spice Girls, some opera, unknown voices, and 99 piano pieces. One artist that especially caught my ear was a Taiwanese singer-songwriter named Qi Qin (齊秦). Apparently, my parents had listened to his songs in their youth in the 80s, and can still sing along to some of the lyrics.
Songs and music that can be enjoyed by different generations at a different point in time are always special— I was surprised by how much I enjoyed listening to Qi Qin’s songs. His songs have a timeless quality, and I think, are perfect for karaoke. Here are a few of my favorites from the CD:
Continue reading “Throwback: Mandopop Song Recs”A Translation Project
I admire translators. Fan translators, in particular, who are often well-respected in Internet spaces involving content from another country. They relay information quickly for English-speaking fans so everyone can take part in the joy. But having read countless “translator’s notes”, I’ve constantly started thinking about how often meaning and nuance might get lost in translation, and how huge misunderstandings can spring from a mistranslation. I wanted to try translating text myself to experience how difficult it could be.
The first task was finding a text to translate. Translation differs across mediums, but I chose to translate an excerpt from a novel. Novel translation differs from other types of translation, such as interpreting dialogue, which I understand to be more literal. For novel translations, factors such as preserving the author’s style and intent must be taken into account.
The book I translated from is《废墟曾经辉煌》 (Fei Xu Ceng Jing Hui Huang) by female fiction writer Zhang Ling (张翎). It’s a book of lighthearted travel anecdotes, and the section I attempted translating was 成都散记 (Chengdu San Ji), a three part collection of prose about the city of Chengdu.
Continue reading “A Translation Project”Feminism in China: “Cell Block Tango” Reinterpreted
cw: violence, abuse, misogyny
There is a good chance that you’ve heard of the infamous “Cell Block Tango” song from the 1975 musical Chicago. In the scene, six women in jail recount the vengeful murders they committed, describing their mistreatment at the hands of their former partners. Loosely translated as “The Scumbags of China,” “天朝渣男图鉴” is a parodic rendition of “Cell Block Tango” by Tú Yǒuqín (徒有琴), a student at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing. In the video Tú Yǒuqín plays six different women from six different cities in China, Beijing, Shanghai, Sichuan, Hunan, Guangdong, and Shandong. For each character, she slips into different dialects and recounts their acts of revenge against their abusive and misogynistic partners. While one woman recalls stumbling upon her husband’s notebook detailing his sexual exploits, another recalls being beaten by her husband.
Posted on the Chinese social media platform, Weibo, in November 2018, the video roused conversation and debate about women’s rights and sexual and domestic abuse in China, contributing to a movement that has been gaining momentum in the past few years. The video was blocked and removed from the site not long after it was posted, speaking to how censorship has worked to silence and minimize the visibility of feminism in China. Nevertheless, the cultural and political impact of the music video cannot be undervalued.
I have been thinking about the significance of language, translation, and reinterpretation to the cultural and political impact of the music video. Representing six different regions of China, the six different dialects Tú Yǒuqín uses include Dongbei, Shanghai, Chonqing, Changsha, Shandong, and Cantonese. In re-appropriating an English song from an American musical, Tú Yǒuqín highlights the global phenomena of misogyny and barriers confronted by women everywhere. At the same time, her translation and reinterpretation of the song in multiple Chinese dialects serves to illuminate the distinctive lived experiences, oppression, and positioning of Chinese women in different regions of China. In this way, the “Chinese Cell Block Tango” is a testament and glimpse into the manifold languages of resistance and feminism across the world.
Full transcription and English translation for the song can be found here:
Phone apps for beginning language learners: Duolingo vs. Memrise
Duolingo: Duolingo’s app is very intuitive, is free, and has short exercises for both grammar and vocabulary for 100-level French. Structured exactly like the website, Duolingo features a ladder-like structure of learning; each lesson introduces new material based on past information. One nice feature to the app is the possibility of “testing out” of lessons, which is helpful if you find yourself bored by the current material.
Memrise: Almost identical to Duolingo’s mini-lesson/game-based platform, Memrise uses incrementally more difficult lessons with easy responses, presenting words or phrases and then asking for repetition. Some minor variations are present, however: Memrise uses short videos of native French speakers to help with listening comprehension. There is also a texting-based portion, where you can practice composing short messages by stringing together suggested words or letters. Memrise is less polished than Duolingo, and each lesson seems to introduce less material overall, with more repetition. This may be useful for learners who have a more difficult time learning new words or phrases. Memrise is free, but has frequent prompts to purchase a subscription. These can be ignored by simply tapping anywhere on the screen (other than the “purchase” button).
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ArchChinese is an online dictionary that allows users to search for words and get definitions, possible phrases, and animated stroke order for characters. The interface is easy to use and is ideal for someone who is beginning to study Chinese.