Thesis formatting & submission

Looking for information about thesis formatting? Wondering when to submit your final thesis to the library? Learn about all things thesis in the Thesis Help 2022-2023 Guide.

You will submit your thesis for review twice; first to the Registrar (when you get your laurels) and then to the library after your Oral exam after making all corrections.

Your thesis must meet formatting requirements before it will be accepted by the library at the end of the thesis process. We recommend that you make sure your thesis is formatted correctly before you submit it to the Registrar before Orals exams. The library will reach out to students starting the week of May 1st with information about your submitted thesis and any formatting issues. If you have questions about formatting, citations, etc. you can also reserve an appointment with a librarian to chat about your thesis via the requesting help form.

If you’re not sure how to use the thesis template and want help with formatting,  make an appointment with the Reed IT help desk.