Science Treasures in the Reed Library

January 16th – March 31, 2009
Library flat and wall cases

blagrave1685 Come see the science treasures from Reed library’s special collections. Early scientific texts that look simple today may have been seminal for their time, and many are accompanied by strange and wonderful illustrations. Reed owns numerous examples documenting significant milestones in science. The exhibit includes important work by Reed students and faculty in both research and the development of new technologies. See how book artists have drawn their creative energies from science in a sampling of their wild and beautiful works.

Library Paideia Events

Please join us in the library for these great sessions:

Reed Library’s Science Treasures
Friday. Jan. 23, 10:30 am
Come see the scientific treasures of Reed’s special collections.  All fields of science are documented in early printed works, often in strange and wonderful illustrations and texts, and Reed owns many examples from Pliny the Elder’s Natural History through Newton’s Opticks to Reed’s own Professor F.L. Griffin’s popular math textbook of 1922.  In fact, Reed science seniors have a long history of writing significant, or at least entertaining, theses.  Many book artists use science as the impulse for their creativity, and examples of their wild and beautiful work abound in the collection. Meet in the archives, L014 on lower level 2 (under the IMC). Contact Gay Walker ( or Linda Maddux (

A Day in the Life of a Summit Book
Thursday, Jan. 22 11 am – noon
You’re done it a million times – you find a great book on Summit, you hit the request button, and the book magically arrives at the Reed library circulation desk in a matter of days. But did you ever wonder how all of that happens, or who makes it happen? Come find out!  Take a tour of the mysterious realm behind the library circulation desk, see how we lend books to other libraries, and learn how your Summit books get to you from faraway library shelves in Eugene, Seattle, and Walla Walla.  We’ll answer your questions about the new Summit too. Meet in library lobby.

You Might Not Love Library School But Go Anyway
Wed, Jan. 21 1:30 – 3 pm
Enjoy talking to people about their research? Happy to spend all day in the library? You can get paid to do all that and more! Come to an open discussion with Reedies who went on to library school. Hear all about library school, library work, and how to tell if it’s for you from real live Reedies that have taken the plunge!  Meet in L17. Contact Linda Maddux (

Save Yourself A Lot of Hassle: Managing Your Citations with EndNote
Thursday, Jan. 22 2-3:30 pm
If you are overwhelmed trying to organize citations for your thesis or a paper, help is here! In this session we will look at EndNote and EndNote Web, two citation management options available for the Reed commmunity. Whether you are just starting out at Reed or half way through your thesis it is never too late! Meet in Library 17. Contact Linda Maddux ( or Taylor Smith (

Thurs., Jan. 22nd, 10am
What is an artist’s book?  See the amazing variety of artists’ books in the library’s special collections.  We will look at a wide range of book creations made by artists, and some by Reed students, from the 1960s to the present.  Presented in the Pierce Room behind the locked door on lower level one.  Meet in library lobby.

Wed. Jan. 21st, 10am OR 2pm
Thurs., Jan. 22nd, 2pm
Illuminated manuscripts and early printed books, antiquarian maps and Simeon Reed’s dog’s collar.  Come see behind locked doors and between the most rare and intriguing covers.  Calligraphy and scrounger trading cards, fore-edge painting and the Beat Poets. See highlights from the library’s special collections! Meet in the archives, L014 on lower level 2 (under the IMC).

The riot grrrl movement: Film screening & open forum
Tuesday 1/20, 1:30PM-3:00PM
Feminism, punk music, girl bands, fanzines, DIY, activism…riot grrrl! What was it all about? What was it like? Where are the riot grrrls today? Come watch the independent documentary film “Don’t Need You: the Herstory of Riot Grrrl,” hear stories about the DC riot grrrl chapter in the ’90s and discuss…whatever else you want to talk about! Meet in Library 17. Contact Joanna Burgess (

Copyfight!  A film screening and conversation about copyright and free expression

Tuesday, Jan. 20 from 3 – 4:30 pm
Once a quiet, boring area of the law, copyright has become a battleground in the last 20 years and tensions between content owners and content users are escalating.  How do copyright laws affect freedom of speech and expression? Have restrictive copyright laws limited your ability to learn, teach, or create?  How do you feel about copyright laws as a content producer (artist, musician, scholar, etc)? In this session we’ll watch the documentary “Freedom of Expression: Resistance and Repression in the Age of Intellectual Property” followed by an open discussion about copyright policy and its impact on free expression. Meet in Libray 17. Contact Rachel Bridgewater (

Planned CONTENTdm Outage and New Viewer/Workspace Launch

The Reed Digital Collections in CONTENTdm will be unavailable Tuesday Jan. 20th during a planned server outage. When service is restored on Wednesday, Reed’s CONTENTdm collections will have a new look and feel:

  • There will be a new viewer, which optimizes the image and features more streamlined tools/controls.
  • There will be a new, enhanced “My Workspace” for creating and managing galleries and slideshows.

The period of Wednesday Jan. 21 – Friday Jan. 23 will be spent testing the new features, and troubleshooting as needed to prepare for the first week of class. If you experience any difficulties with the new interface features during this time, please email us immediately at

Thank you,

Digital Asset Management Team

Columbia Granger’s World of Poetry trial

Columbia Granger’s World of Poetry is designed to be a one-stop reference for all poetry-related research and learning.  It features 450,000 poem citations, 250,000 of which are full text, users can browse by poem, poet, commentaries, and glossary terms.  Users can also search by era, school or movement of poetry,
nationality, language, cultural identity, and gender.

Please send comments to:

Jack Levine


Rachel Bridgewater

Give it a try!

Research in Dance Education trial

Reed College Library is offering trial access to the Research in Dance Education database through December 16th.  Research in Dance Education is an index to research and literature in dance education written from 1926 to the present.  If you try use it, do let us know what you think.  Provide feedback to:

Jack Levine


Rachel Bridgewater

Give it a try!

Passport GMID trial

Reed College Library is offering trial access to Passport GMID through the end of November.  Passport GMID provides access to business and economic statistics, market reports, consumer trend information from around the world.  If you try use it, do let us know what you think.  Provide feedback to:

Dena Hutto
Director of Reference & Instruction


Rachel Bridgewater
Electronic Resources Librarian

Give it a try!

New digital image workstations in the library

Looking for digital images to view or use in papers and presentations? Looking for a scanner?

Come use the new digital image workstations in the library, located upstairs in the reference room and downstairs in the IMC. These dual-screen workstations are available for students to work with images and graphics, and contain software programs such as Photoshop, PowerPoint, Keynote, and Excel. In addition to using the stations to scan images, you’ll also find links to Reed digital image collections such as Reed Digital Collections (CONTENTdm) and ARTstor.

Brought to you by the library, Visual Resources Collection, and CIS. Contact with questions!

Shakespeare Survey

Shakespeare Survey is a yearbook of Shakespeare studies and production. Each volume is devoted to a theme, or play, or group of plays; each also contains a section of reviews of the previous year’s textual and critical studies and of major British performances. The books are illustrated with a variety of Shakespearean images and production photographs.

Try the Shakespeare Survey now and let us know what you think!

Trial runs through Oct. 31, 2008. Contact Jack Levine with any questions or comments.