Text formatting options

The text formatting toolbar has tools such as bold and italic, as well as the ability to link to other webpages.

new post image
New post with no block selected

The toolbar is hidden until you have selected the block of text.

wordpress new post image
Block selected and toolbar visible

To create a new block of text or image, you can either:

  • enter text and hit the return button; this will create a new block of text.
  • click on the “+” button on the top left of the editor page.
add new block image
Add new block image

To apply headings to a block of text (which helps organize your content on a page):

  • click on the + icon at the top left,
    add new block imagescroll down to the “Common Blocks” section,

    and choose Heading; select the appropriate heading for your section.

  • Go to the block you want to change, and click on the paragraph icon on the left.
    This will change it to a “recycle” arrows icon; choose the Heading block type.
    Select the appropriate heading for your section.