All things Chinese literature with Deltas!

Today we’re checking in with Chinese tutor Deltas, a native speaker from Tianjin, China! Deltas has been tutoring me in Chinese this year, and I can say from personal experience that he is very knowledgeable, even when I throw a weird grammar question at him. We chatted about Tianjin dumplings, Zhang Ailing, and traditional Chinese roof tiles!

Leilani: First, could you tell me a little bit about your background? How long have you been speaking Chinese and what do you do at Reed?

Deltas: I’m an international student from Tianjin (天津), China. I’ve been speaking Chinese since I was born, it’s my native language. I study Math-Stats at Reed. I used to study literature, but I kind of found it wasn’t my thing. Too much English reading. So I switched to Math-Stats, and math is pretty fun, completely different taste. And I also do Chinese drop-in tutoring and individual tutoring. I also play for the Frisbee team.

Continue reading “All things Chinese literature with Deltas!”

Tomorrow is the last day of drop-in tutoring!

Lang Labbies are here to remind you that tomorrow is the last day of drop-in tutoring for Fall2024 semester!

We would highly recommend to take advantage of these last 2 days if you have any questions/practice tests/problems and come by even if you don’t!

Is Culture Shock Inevitable When Abroad?

Find out in the interview with Henry, the Chinese tutor!

Patricio: Can you tell me about what made you want to learn Chinese?

Henry: It was actually kind of random. I was taking a gap year between highschool and college and I didn’t have a lot going on, so I picked up a bunch of hobbies such as archery and Chinese. I found a really good Chinese teacher and I really enjoyed learning a language in my free time. I was learning French in high school, but I really struggled with that because I was being forced to learn it, but it was a completely different story when I started learning Chinese because I actually wanted to learn it. 

Did the French stick at all or did you lose it completely after high school?

I’m sure it would come back if I practiced it a bit, but I wouldn’t call myself a strong speaker. I’d say now my two strong languages are just English and Chinese.

Would you say you’re fully fluent in Chinese?

No, I wouldn’t say so. It’s a really long process and it really depends on what I’m talking about. There’s so many words to learn that if I’m speaking about an area I’m not used to talking about it can sometimes be easy to phrase things weird. I’m pretty comfortable going through life just with Chinese, I’ve done that both at the Middlebury Summer Program and when I studied abroad in Taiwan. 

Can you tell me more about the Middlebury Summer Program?

It’s a program I did when I first started learning Chinese. It’s 8 weeks over the summer where basically, starting from zero, you sign a language pledge to only speak Chinese. It was a pretty interesting experience because even though it’s pretty academically intense, I found it really relaxing because there were no expectations other than just socializing in Chinese. I had a lot of fun doing it and I think it’s a great program, and everyone from my group went from being level 1 Chinese to fully being able to live in China and Taiwan afterwards. 

You mentioned that you studied abroad. Can you tell me more about that?

I did my first year at Reed, and I decided I wanted to major in Chinese literature, and really before I could get into that I felt like I needed to live somewhere where they spoke the language. Especially because at this point I had only been learning Chinese for a year and a half. So I went to Taiwan for the academic year through the ICLP, the International Chinese Learning Program. All of my classes were Chinese learning classes. The main goal was obviously improving my Chinese, but it was also just such a great experience to live somewhere else and talk to people and stuff.

Did you experience any culture shock while living in Taiwan?

I feel like people ask this a lot, but really no. I feel like it reasoned with my expectations of what the experience was going to be like. And it was in a lot of ways very similar to the US. Especially Taipei. It’s very safe, comfortable, and the food is great. I never had a moment where I felt uncomfortable, it was very cosmopolitan. There wasn’t a lot of shock. There were definitely barriers. In the first couple of months I had to figure out when it was appropriate to have a conversation with people because obviously I wanted to practice. There’s a lot of difficulties in communicating, but never to an extent where I felt very out of place. 

So I remember you mentioned that Chinese doesn’t have an alphabet, and I was curious about how the language works. Could you explain how Chinese is written and read without an alphabet?

Yeah, I’m not a linguist and there’s definitely a specific term for it, but essentially each character is monosyllabic. The meaning and the sound are separate, so you can look at a character and there’s no definitive way of how it will be pronounced, and you also have to know like a thousand different characters, as opposed to the 26 we have to know for English. 

Note: it’s called a system of ideogrammatic characters

Well that sounds very difficult to learn. Do you have any tips for people who want to learn Chinese?

You definitely need to set a routine. Otherwise it’s so slow. It’s a balance of finding new tips and tricks to learn the language and then actually just spending a lot of time learning it. If you just go head first with no plan you’re probably going to waste a lot of time. There’s a lot of hours you have to put in. One of my teachers always says that to achieve proficiency you need 2200 classroom hours, as opposed to 600 hours needed for a native English speaker to learn Spanish. I think you just really have to have a passion for learning it. In my experience, the people who do the best at learning a language are those who aren’t seeing it as a tool to learn, but those who see it as something fun and interesting to do. Then you should go to tutoring, office hours, language scholars, language houses, which are already five ways to go speak it outside of class. 

Ok two more questions. Do you have a favorite word in Chinese?

I have a favorite phrase. Can I go with that?

Yeah of course go with the phrase!

It’s 江山易改本性難移 (jiāngshānyígǎi, běnxìngńanyí). It literally translates to it’s easy to move mountains and rivers but it’s hard to change your nature. 

In what context would you use it?

You wouldn’t find people going around saying that, but I just think it’s a true statement! You go through life facing all these hard challenges and then you have the simplest thing about yourself that you simply can’t change. 

 Do you watch any movies in Chinese and if yes do you have any recommendations?

 Yeah I watch a lot of Taiwanese new wave cinema. A City of Sadness is one of those movies Americans might know if they’re into film, and it’s great. But there’s a couple of really interesting movies that are less common. One of my favorites is Cape No. 7, which is the highest grossing Taiwanese film domestically. It captures the island vibes and the influences in Taiwan. And recently there was a really good movie about a family and queerness called Marry My Dead Body. It’s a comedy but it had some touching moments.

And then books, I started reading Dream of the Red Chamber, which is this 2500 page book about the downfall of a rich family. I’ve had a lot of fun with that one. 

Ok great thank you!

Be Shameless When Learning a Language!

This week I interviewed Emilio, a Spanish tutor who’s eager to help people out with Spanish. In our interview, we covered topics such as feeling disconnected from one’s culture, what it means to have a diverse cultural background for one’s identity, and how to sound natural when speaking a new language. Emilio’s advice is to be shameless when speaking! The interview is posted below and was edited for length.

Continue reading “Be Shameless When Learning a Language!”

Speaking Ancient Greek in modern-day Greece?

Today we are interviewing Basil-Anne, our Greek and Latin tutor. We talked about starting a language from scratch at Reed, the GLAM department, and studying abroad as a speaker of ancient languages!

Leilani: Would you like to talk a bit about your background, why you chose to study Greek and Latin?

Basil-Anne: Sure! I have studied Latin for a very, very long time. I started officially in fourth grade, but I think my first real Latin class was in seventh grade. So I’ve been taking it for a really long time. And I came into Reed undecided but I was very strongly either going to be a GLAM [Greek, Latin, and Ancient Mediterranean Studies] major or be in the Sociology department. I went to the GLAM open house during O-week and fell in love and was like, “This is where I want to be.” So I dropped Intro Sociology and switched into another GLAM class and have not looked back.

L: You mentioned taking Latin prior to Reed. Did you have the same experience with Greek, or did you start with Intro Greek?

B: I started with Intro Greek, and Greek was a lot harder than Latin because I was starting from scratch. But it’s a very cool language. My favorite thing about just Greek and Latin in general, and I don’t know if this is true for all language learners, is the kind of peak you hit where you’re thinking of every single thing and all of a sudden, you’re just not thinking of every single grammar thing anymore. That’s a really fun moment for me. It corresponds with the course load, like you switch from language classes to literature classes, and that’s just such a fun transition for me, of being able to be like, “OK, I know what I’m doing, and now I actually get to talk about literature.” Which is why language is so fun. So with Greek, I really got to see that process condensed from freshman year to now, senior year. It was great.

Continue reading “Speaking Ancient Greek in modern-day Greece?”

Meet Sabrina! (Latin)

Salve! I’m a junior English major and Greek and Latin minor, and I have taken Latin classes from Alice, Ellen, and Sonia. I am eager to help with all kinds of Latin study, such as vocab memorization, preparing for exams, practicing forms, or talking through translations. Whatever it may be, I am here to support you, and I will do my best to cater to your specific needs.

LangLabbie note: Visit the Language Lab for Sabrina’s drop-in hours!

Meet Teagan! (French)

Hi! I’m Teagan, a sophomore international policy studies major. I’ve taken French courses since middle school and have taken classes with Catherine (211) and Hugh (212). I’m happy to help you learn the fundamentals of French and any area of concern! Feel free to email me ( if my scheduled times don’t work for you and we can work something out.

LangLabbie note: Teagan can help you out with 100- and 200-level French classes!

They play spoons in Vermont?…

As a way to engage more of our students with language programs at Reed, we will be starting a series of interviews with our dear language tutors. Miriam (or Masha!) has a lot to share about her experience!

There is always a backstory to every language journey. Tell me more about your background and what inspired you to undertake a not-so-easy language like Russian.

Learning languages is my thing,especially being a linguistics major. I started with Hebrew, French, some Spanish and moved on to German. And coming to college I wanted something totally different which was Russian – I loved it, it’s my absolute favorite. 

Continue reading “They play spoons in Vermont?…”

Meet Miriam! (or Masha)

Hi and привет! My name is Miriam, and I am a sophomore linguistics major.

I took Russ 111 in the fall of ’23 with Zhenya. As a recent first-year Russian student, I know what is expected and will happily help with homework, practicing conversation, or checking grammar. I look forward to working with you!

LangLabbie note: Drop by the Language Lab to see Miriam’s hours!