Author: holmesj
End of year hours May 6-10
Main Library:
- regular hours through Wed. May 8th
- Thursday May 9th: closed at midnight
- Friday May 10th: closed at 5pm
- Sat May 11th and Sun May 12th: closed
- May Monday 13th: open 10-11am and 2-4pm (closed 11am-2pm for commencement)
Reed thesis checking Monday-Thursday • 4/22-4/25
Need a thesis formatting pre-check before submitting? Stop by the reference desk for help!
Detailed formatting guidelines can be found on the help guide.
Print drop in
Library spring break hours
Hauser: closing at 8p on Friday 3/8 and Saturday 3/9. Regular hours resume Sunday 3/10
IMC: closed 3/9, 3/10, 3/15, 3/16. Open Monday-Thursday noon-4p. Regular hours resume Sunday 3/17.
PARC: closed 3/9-3/16. Regular hours resume Sunday 3/17
VRC: closed 3/9-3/17. Regular hours resume on Monday, 3/18.
Spring/Fall thesis desk lottery Feb. 7
Thesis Desk Lottery
Senior thesis desk lottery numbers will be drawn from the official 470 list. Eligible seniors will get an email request to opt-in on Tuesday 1/30. If you are a senior are not yet registered for 470, and want to be included in the drawing, please come to the circulation desk and have your name added to the lottery list by Monday, February 5. Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Studio Art, majors are not eligible for thesis desks in the library.
The list of numbers will be posted Tuesday, February 6 along with a map of thesis desk locations, so that you can have preferences in mind before the actual selection. For a map of available thesis desks click here. Seat maps will also be posted in thesis desk areas.
Desk selection will begin at noon on Wednesday, February 7 in library room L17. You or your proxy must be present when your name is called. Lottery numbers are not transferable.
PLEASE NOTE: Thesis desks are shared – two students to each side of a desk. In order to create the most pleasant sharing arrangement possible, the person with the better number may bring in as a partner another senior on the list. If you do not have a partner, the seat next to you will be assigned as needed. Please make those arrangements ahead of time and let us know when your name is called.
About thesis desks
Desks assigned to seniors are for their sole use through the end of the school year or as long as they remain registered for 470. Only thesis desks are assigned to individuals. All other seating in the library is open to the Reed Community. You may not claim or reserve these desks. Please take your belongings with you when you leave. Items left on open study desks and tables will be removed and can be retrieved from the circulation desk.
Thesis desk restrictions
The staff, assisted by student monitors, will remove the following from thesis desks:
- Library materials that are not checked out.
- Plants, flowers, etc. Sorry – they attract bugs.
- All dishes and silverware. You can return commons dishes to the container in the lobby
- All opened packages or containers of food and beverages. Sorry – bugs again.
- All electrical appliances and extension cords (per the fire marshall).
Library Hours End of Semester
Regular hours through Wednesday 12/13
Close at midnight Thursday 12/14
Close at 5p Friday 12/15
Regular hours through Friday 12/15
Regular hours through Sunday 12/10
10a-noon, 12/15
New Reed published OER book “Spirited Ink”
Check out Professor Jinhui Wu’s new ebook available to all – “Spirited Ink” a collection of students essays from the CHIN/LIT 330 course “Chinese Ghost Stories and Supernatural Tales”.
Receive text notifications for library notices
Would you like to receive text notifications for things like holds, due date, and courtesy notices? You can opt-in here. Data rates may apply. Questions? Email Jim Holmes.
Summit 12-week checkout
We have recently implemented a change from the Orbis Cascade Alliance that allows for 12-week checkout of all Summit materials with one six-week renewal period. You can now keep your Summit books for a full semester! Unfamiliar with Summit borrowing? Click here and go to “Does a Summit Library Have it”. Questions – email