New Interface for EBSCOhost on January 7

New logo for EBSCOhost interface

On January 7, 2025, EBSCO will move all users to a new interface for the EBSCOhost platform.

The new interface is a significant improvement. It reduces visual clutter, improves accessibility, and adds more controls over search, filters, saving, and sharing. According to EBSCO, it has been expressly designed around student preferences, rather than those of faculty or library staff.

You do not need to have a personal account to read or download material or to use any of the search, citing, or sharing functions, but you can create a personal account if you want to save search results for later or organize your research into “projects” on that particular platform.

Useful Links

Introduction to the New EBSCOhost – Tutorial (~3 minutes, on Vimeo)
The New EBSCOhost Interface – Quick Start Guide

What is Affected?

Alternative Press Index
America: History and Life
American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals
Anthropology Plus
Art & Architecture Source
Art Index Retrospective
ATLA Religion
Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals
Bibliography of Asian Studies
Bibliography of Indigenous Peoples in North America
Communication Source
Film and Television Literature Index with Full Text
Historical Abstracts
Humanities and Social Sciences Index Retrospective
Humanities International Complete
International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance
MathSciNet via EBSCO
MLA International Bibliography
New Testament / Old Testament Abstracts
Philosopher’s Index
Readers’ Guide Retrospective
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text
RIPM: Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals
Social Sciences Abstracts

Rock’s Backpages Trial through 11/15/24

Logo of Rock's Backpages in the shape of a guitar pick

As of October 9, we have started a trial of Rock’s Backpages. The trial will end on November 15.

Under the tagline “the archive of music journalism,” this resource gathers music publication interviews and reviews from 1960 to the present.

Anyone can register to read a selection of over 500 free articles, but during this trial we get full access to all articles, all audio interviews, and the RBP podcast. According to the website, they add at least 50 articles per week.

Our fundamental question when trying out a resource is: how will this support the learning, teaching, and research happening in the Reed community?

Whether you’re a student, faculty member, or staff member, we welcome your answer to this question! To share your thoughts, please complete our trial feedback form.

If you have questions about this trial, email

Artstor Has Moved to JSTOR

A promotional image from JSTOR that says: Ready, set, redirect: Come August 1, 2024, Artstor URLs will automatically redirect to JSTOR. Next to the text is a black and white photo by Lee Friedlander.

On August 1 of this year, the legacy Artstor website was retired. All Artstor images are available on JSTOR, and our subscription to that material continues uninterrupted.

When you search JSTOR, you will find Artstor’s 2 million licensed images and more than 1,700 additional primary source collections alongside the JSTOR ebooks and journals you already know and love. With the new Workspace tool, you can save and organize Artstor images alongside other JSTOR content in one convenient workflow.

If you previously used Artstor, you’re invited to get started on JSTOR now!

Useful Links

Start here: Artstor on JSTOR Overview

Introduction to Workspace

LibGuide for working with images on JSTOR

Browse images on JSTOR

Image: Lee Friedlander. New York City. 1963, printed 2006. Saint Louis Art Museum. Trial through 4/1/24

The library has begun a trial of World Collection.

With content dating from the early 1700s into the 2000s, contains full runs and portions of runs of well-known regional and state titles as well as small local newspapers. The emphasis is on historical content, not current news and events.

(Note that this library edition of has some differences from the consumer version, which you may be familiar with if you have a personal account.)

To access this trial you must use a dedicated link and click through the ProQuest trials portal. If you try to use the general URL, you will not be recognized as an authorized user.

If you have questions about this trial, please email

Whether you’re a student, faculty member, or staff member, we welcome your evaluation of this resource! To share your thoughts, please complete our trial feedback form.

Asian Life in America Trial through 2/29/24

The newest entry in the series that started with Black Life in America and Hispanic Life in America, Asian Life in America is a collection of primary source documents about the histories and daily lives of Americans of Asian and Pacific Islander heritage—including those of Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, South Asian, and Vietnamese backgrounds, among others. It is sourced from 35 million primary source documents in 41 languages.

Our new, quick-start trial is for the first two series:

Series 1: 1704-1941 – Early 18th Century to US Entry into World War II
Series 2: 1942-2017 – World War II to the 21st Century

You will need to use a dedicated link in order to access this resource during the trial, which ends on January 31 has been extended to February 29.

If you have questions about this trial, please email

Whether you’re a student, faculty member, or staff member, we welcome your evaluation of this resource!

To share your thoughts, please complete our trial feedback form.

Sovetskii Ekran Trial through 12/31/23

The library has just begun a trial of Sovetskii Ekran Digital Archive.

Sovetskii Ekran (Советский экран, Soviet Screen) is the preeminent Soviet film magazine. This online archive contains all obtainable published issues from 1925 on, representing more than 50 years and approximately 32,000 pages of content. It offers full page-level digitization, complete original graphics, and searchable text, and is cross-searchable with other East View digital resources.

If you have questions about this trial, please email

Whether you’re a student, faculty member, or staff member, we welcome your evaluation of this resource!

To share your thoughts, please complete our trial feedback form.

PEP-Web Archive Trial through 10/25/23

The library has just begun a trial of Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing’s online archive.

PEP-Web provides a centralized search of psychoanalytic literature in English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Romanian, Spanish, and Turkish. It includes journals, books, and videos (including full transcription).

Note that most of the journals have a 3- to 5-year embargo, so content later than 2019 will not be available. 

If you have questions about this trial, please email

We welcome your evaluation of this resource! To share your thoughts, please complete our Library Database Feedback form.

MLA Handbook Plus Trial through 10/15/23

The library is currently running a trial of MLA Handbook Plus.

This electronic resource includes the full text of the ninth edition of the handbook, the second edition of the MLA Guide to Digital Literacy, and the MLA Guide to Undergraduate Research in Literature, as well as a video course that teaches the principles of MLA documentation style.

The MLA has created an introductory video that demonstrates all the site’s features and functions.

If you have questions about this trial, please email

We welcome your evaluation of this resource! To share your thoughts, please complete our Library Database Feedback form.

Get articles faster: meet LibKey Nomad

As part of our year-long pilot of LibKey software, you have access to LibKey Nomad, a browser extension that gives you one-click access to scholarly articles. This add-on is especially helpful in linking to library resources from off campus.

Install and set up Nomad

Once you’ve downloaded the extension and added it to your browser, select the green flame icon to choose Reed College Library as your organization.

Remember, this extension is specific to the browser! If you usually use Safari but switch to Chrome, you’ll need to add Nomad to Chrome too.

Screenshot of LibKey Nomad organization selection, with "reed" typed in to show how to select Reed College Library.

Why use Nomad?

Here are a few scenarios that might be familiar:

  • You subscribed to be notified whenever a new issue of your favorite journal is published and you want PDF access from the Table of Contents without logging in through the library
  • You get a newsletter from a scholarly publisher that highlights a few recent articles and you want to get through to the articles without logging in through the library
  • You’re doing general searching in Google Scholar, PubMed, or Wikipedia

How does it work?

LibKey Nomad looks for DOIs, PMIDs, or ebook ISBNs in the content of a webpage and determines whether you have access as a member of the Reed community or through Open Access. If we don’t have access, Nomad will route you to the Interlibrary Loan form to make an ILL request.

You may see a badge in the lower corner. If Nomad can’t provide a PDF, it may instead display a link to the article or a link to the library catalog and the ILL request form.

Screenshot of LibKey Nomad badge with green LibKey droplet logo and the words "Download PDF Reed College Library".

Special to PubMed and Wikipedia, you will find a series of icons:

Screenshot of Wikipedia references with "download PDF", "View E-Book" and "Access Options" buttons inserted after the citation.

LibKey Nomad is compatible with most scholarly publisher sites, in addition to PubMed, Google Scholar, and Wikipedia.

Give us feedback!

Do you have questions about LibKey Nomad? Found any issues or problems? Love it? Please let us know! Send a note to and tell us what you think about this new tool.

Testing, testing… Is LibKey on?

During this academic year, the library is testing out a new piece of software called LibKey, and it will change some of the ways you interact with our online resources. Our goal for this year-long pilot is to see if it provides easier access to both our paid subscriptions and open access articles.


What is LibKey?

LibKey calls their product an “active and dynamic linking technology” and it fits between you, the open web, and the library collection. 

For online articles that have a DOI or PMID number assigned to them, LibKey collates information about the article — including our subscribed journal holdings, open access status, and retraction details  — to calculate your best link to that scholarly content. 

If LibKey cannot find a direct link or if an online resource does not have a DOI or PMID, you will be immediately forwarded to our catalog to check our access options or place an ILL (Interlibrary Loan) request.

What should I expect?

You may see new link options when you search the library catalog. From your search results, you may be able to link directly to a PDF (Download PDF) and see an article in the context of a whole journal issue (View Issue Contents). You should also encounter better linking to articles available as Open Access. 

Screenshot of an Article in the Reed Library catalog, with Title, authors, publisher information. Links include "Download PDF", "View Issue Contents", and "Available Online".

When using the “Check Reed Holdings” buttons in our subscription databases, you will see improved linking options on the intermediary LibKey details page.

Screenshot showing the LibKey full text options page, with links including "Download PDF" and "Article Link"

If you add the LibKey Nomad extension to your web browser, you will be able to connect to library-subscribed content, even when searching the open web, whenever you see this badge:

LibKey badge with the LibKey logo and the text "Provided by Reed College Library"

When starting from PubMed or Wikipedia, the Nomad extension will show you which articles you have access to through Reed library subscriptions or open access. 

Screenshot of wikipedia results with LibKey access buttons inserted below the citation.

What should I do if something isn’t working?

Send an email through our Ask a Librarian form (scroll down to the Send a message section), including as much detail as you can. Screenshots are always welcome.

We will especially want to know what browser you are using, where you started your search (e.g., the library catalog, Google or Google Scholar, PubMed, etc.), and what happened.